Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dorian Carolina Dreamin', Stromboli Gets Wild!

Dorian is back to Category 3
Drifting a little closer to me
Only a breeze with high clouds here
It's Carolina coasts growing in fear
Waterspouts morphing to tornadoes
Coming ashore, blowing out windows
Inches to feet of blowing rain
Storm surge rising to bring pain
Just another day in Dorian's path
But, don't take this for Earth's wrath
Just result to experiment we're running
Add greenhouse gasses, trap more sun in

Here is some of the data to date:

Polar ice going, no place for bears to skate
CO2 levels higher than in last 800,000 years
Jet streams slowing, reducing storm steers
Permafrost melt turning tundras to bogs
Methane released, more heat escape clogs
Rapid increase in ice cap melt
With sea level rise being felt
On every coastline, worldwide
New normal; flooding at high tide
Bigger storms, so storm surges higher
Droughts lasting longer, increasing wild fires
Arctic temps above 90 degrees
Reindeer into road tunnel flees
In Arctic, huge increase in shipping
So, into arctic waters more trash slipping
More countries quickly laying claim
To get into Arctic extraction game
Brazil deciding rainforest best if burned
And, into corn and soy beans turned
Problem farming in soil so bad
Lots of chemicals you'll need to add
More pollution into Earth's biggest river
Just another way for us to deliver
Our multitude of poisons into the sea
Human's one desire: to grow money tree
More humans, to make & buy more stuff
As long term economic plan, pretty rough..

Yet onward the Earth spins
7 storms today, tropical storm winds
22 volcanoes blowing smoke & ash
Lava flows leaving a new gash
Another big quake off Oregon coast
Will next one bring tsunami roast
 Onward we build, onward we breed
Unplanned growth, unbridled greed
Leadership? hardly from pompous buffoon
More clueless lies, same old tune
UK deep into the same idiot trap
Foolish voters sucked into Brexit crap
Now with their own fake blonde fool
Donny & Boris, both, poor job at rule
Just a reminder, for what it's worth
Our real ruler still, every day: Earth
Still, some pretty simply guidelines
Adapt or migrate, all will be fine
Don't follow my rules, here's Earth reply
It's very simple, you die!
Adapt today: maybe hunker
Or migrate to storm bunker
Good luck, those riding out the storm
By the weekend, a return to norm
What ever that is..
Today On Earth

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