Wednesday, September 11, 2019

18 Years Ago...

I remember where in class I was standing
When told, with incomplete understanding
Of what was happening that Tuesday
18 years ago on this very day
With renovations and things in disarray
Wasn't until planning at the end of the day
That I was able to sit, in disbelief and see
The carnage at Pentagon, in PA & NYC
Most of that period, I just sat & stared
Nothing seen or known could be compared
Just how quickly world had changed
Normal order completely rearranged

Still...our war of retaliation goes on
So much money, so many lives; gone
And what do we have to show
Please tell me, I surely don't know
British, Russians didn't understand
You can't "conquer" Afghanistan
We didn't get it in Vietnam or Korea
Locals wait for invaders to say seeeya
Only "win" through occupation
Americans won't even go there vacation
So, it's right back to status quo
Just as soon as "winning" troops go

Want to truly win, need population dent
Into Crimea & Ukraine, Russia sent
Former military officers to live
Or Chinese into Nepal/Tibet to give
Big dilution to native population
Same way we created our nation
Euros came to America to stay
Forced natives out of the way
With all those easy history lessons
Why do we keep on with war sessions
Can't come in & set up military bases
And, bring smiles to local faces

Come in, drill for oil, mine their gold
And, expect locals to just do as told
Sure, we pay off corrupt local bosses
But, ignore local's pains & losses
Arm local thugs with bombs & guns
Look away as long as the money runs
Into US companies and banks
Locals resist? how about some tanks
Claim we don't want to be world's cop
Yet, no signs we're going to stop
On this day with so much reflection
Wish it were in more positive direction..

As far as the planet goes..
Round & round, we knows
5+ quakes, Fiji, Philippines, Alaska, too
Pacific plate subducting through
Hot, high pressure dome cooking here
Late night tornadoes causing fear
Up in Sioux Falls, SD. along Missouri
Another chance today of tornado fury
But, not here, it's just cooking hot
Not cool 'til Friday, then rain shot 
But, only a one day cool down
Then summer temps back in town
Yesterday was hurricane season peak
Couple lows out there that with a tweak
Could turn into our next hurricane
To think we're done would be insane
Gibbous moon will hide dim stars
And, heat and bugs may give pause
But, with clear skies, take a look
Not hot enough you'll actually cook..

And, ponder future directions to go
It's up to us all, ya know
Need every Earthling playing a part
Golden Rule good place to start
Share the love
Spread the peace
Today On Earth

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