Sunday, February 27, 2011

A mild, hazy Sunday

We don't get near freezing last night and the temperatures climbs quickly into the 50's with a little SE breeze. As February winds down, hints of spring to come are pointing to March coming in like a lamb. And, no winter weather in a forecast; actually, chances of thunderstorms tomorrow.
Hang onto your hat.
If you see the lightning, it's 5 seconds per mile till the thunder rumbles. If you hear it, you're probably too close, get inside!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Semi-sunny Saturday

Mid 20's overnight after yesterday's big rain and wind that wasn't really that big finds a cloudy start and a morning of filtered, not so warm, but ok for February, sun.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wild Friday

A wild, windy, wet Friday finds Louisa lingering on the cold side of the warm front early but it clears and warms by late morning. Another round of heavy rain is due this afternoon and then the wind will crank it up and move light weight lawn furniture all over the yards of central Va.
Hold onto your hats.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sunny & cold Wednesday

It feels cold and no jets trails today. The sun is heating pretty good. The sun warms us but the wind cools us. Jackson

Monday, February 21, 2011

Warm start, cold finish

Upper 40's with high clouds early but the cold front sweeps the warm air out and it's back to February by mid-afternoon with a cold wind and thickening clouds.
Pretty typical for the first day of spring sports.
Upper 30's and the rain starts about 11pm.
Little snow by morning?????
There will be weather!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Calmer Sunday

The wild and crazy winds of Saturday begin to subside into the wee hours of Sunday and the temp continues to drop. A clear night with a bright waning moon lights things up outside.
Feeling like February again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Breezy Saturday

The reality of the cool side of the cold front arrives on Saturday with wild wind. Yesterday's hazy warmth has been replaced with the reality of "we are still in February". Although today's temperatures headed into the low 60's are well above average the wind at 20+ mph average all day will not allow it to feel warm. Already a gust of 35 at LCHS and a dew point of 3, pushing the humidity down to 12% is going to make this a dangerous day for fires.
The sun feel nice through the glass here at the tirehouse but that wind...looks wild out there.
Hang onto your hat and NO FIRES!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday's Weather

Today was about 10 degrees warmer then yesterday, it was also less depressing: so that's always a plus. :) There was SUN!!! The wind was barely a light breeze, although it added a little bit of a chill to the air. Since the jet-streams were expanded that means there was a little moisture in the air. The clouds were thin and waaaay up in the Troposphere so that obviously means they were Cirrus clouds. Oh, before I forget, there is a full moon tomorrow night so be sure to check it out. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Cold air was on the ground this morning. As the day went on the temperture raised a little. The wind was kinda heavy. It was blowing towards the southwest and up in the sky cirrostratus clouds were happening because of jet streams.   Hunter

Today as soon as you step outside it hits you that it's really cold and the wind is even colder and it's kinda gloomy without the sun and very cloudy; these clouds are called cirrostratus.    Chris

Today was about 38 degrees, but the nippy wind made it feel about 10 degrees colder. It is still dry & no rain in the forecast. Today was a gloomy foggy day. The light gray, airy, cirrostratus clouds covered the sky; cross your fingers for warmth and rain.    Olivia

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cool Tuesday

The wild wind is gone but after the dry cold front slides through yesterday our temperature drops into the upper 20's overnight and only into the upper 40's on this sunny day.
We jump 10 degrees every day for the next three days until hitting the mid-70's by Friday. The air remains bone dry.
Enjoy the increasing warmth.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A lovely Valentine's Day

A night above freezing and breezy day in the mid-60's with no clouds makes for a lovely mid-February day.
One of few this winter. The trend will continue all week with a dry cold front passing thru overnight and a little cool down Tuesday and Wednesday.
By Friday we should be in the 70's, the highest temps so far in 2011 here in central Va.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Semi-sunny Sunday

A mild (for February) overnight and a cloudy, breezy morning with temperatures quickly climbing into the 40's. Looks like we are headed for a warmish, dry stretch of weather, quite a change from the cold pattern we've been in. A needed break and hint of spring not too far away.
The moon was actually right above Aldebaran, the eye of Taurus, last night but as it continues it's trip around the earth it will be more directly above Orion tonight.
But, you have to go out and look around to see it. Check it out.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nice Saturday!!

A cold start and some morning clouds but then a day of sunshine and wild air, the wind calming by afternoon.
A waxing moon sits high in the south at dusk above Orion and the other brilliant stars of winter.  Jupiter in the southwest mirrors Sirius in the southeast, both bright, one twinkling the other shining steady.
It's cold out there but worth a peek.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cold start, nice day

A 10 degree, dry start that turns into a lovely warm day quickly. A quarter moon flies high in the chilling evening sky on a day with no clouds.  Another cold evening before an above average temp weekend awaits.
Get out and enjoy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Day!!

The 8th snow day of the school year: a little wave of moisture slides through above the main bulk of another southern storm and coats our world in a thin layer of white.
By mid-morning the sun is bright and the thin white layer begins to disappear. A warming trend is just beginning that will bring temps into the 60's this weekend and possibly 70 this time next week.
It's your planet get out and see it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow? How much?

The question for this cloudy, cold day was, "what about the snow"? Seems like we might get a little dusting but nothing like the southern plains where they got 2+ feet.
As I post this the ground is white but it's not enough to really measure, yet.
We'll see.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Clouds are gone and cold air is here. VERY light snow may make an appearance tomorrow night.
A little sun will give way to the clouds ahead of the storm and 40 degrees will be tough to reach on the 9th.

Sunny, blustery Tuesday

More and more daylight as we creep closer to spring makes for a bright Tuesday morning. Venus still shines brightly in the pre-dawn sky but has settled lower as it pulls away from Earth.
Tuesday will be remain mostly sunny here in Va. but much colder than yesterday and with a breeze out of the northwest will feel even colder than the 40 degrees temperature reads.
Hang onto your hats.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sun Clouds Rain

That describes today in central Va. Sun early with clouds thickening in the afternoon and rain/sleet on the way for tonight and tomorrow morning.
But it was only in the mid-20's overnite and got very close to 50 today. Daylight hours are gettin' longer.
Raincoat in the morning!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


At last the sun returns to Va. and it warms into the 50's. A lovely day.
Hope you got out and enjoyed it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cold Saturday

Clouds it is on Saturday! And, a little rain overnite with misty drizzle most of the day. The temperature has begrudgingly climbed into the low 40's but doesn't seem inclined to be going up much higher. There are rumors of sun tomorrow for Super Bowl Sunday.
The bulk of the storm seemed to miss us to the south but there is more winter left to go. Enjoy it while you can.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Winter continues; cold, cloudy start with evening rain coming for Va. Snow in south Texas and the northeast continues to dig out as the winter of 10-11 rolls on. Here at Louisa Co. H.S. were are working our first 5 day week in 2 months and we're all exhausted.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A wild day yesterday: snow and ice and frigid temps to our north, cold start here with overnight rain, mid 60's by afternoon and back into the 20's last night.
Today dawns in the upper 20's with clouds and is likely to not make 40. No shadow for the groundhog so an early spring; my guess is, "NOT!!"