Sunday, February 13, 2011

Semi-sunny Sunday

A mild (for February) overnight and a cloudy, breezy morning with temperatures quickly climbing into the 40's. Looks like we are headed for a warmish, dry stretch of weather, quite a change from the cold pattern we've been in. A needed break and hint of spring not too far away.
The moon was actually right above Aldebaran, the eye of Taurus, last night but as it continues it's trip around the earth it will be more directly above Orion tonight.
But, you have to go out and look around to see it. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Savannah read Pompeii, Buried Alive tonight. Whoa. I have heard of Mt. Vesuvius but never really knew the story behind it. Very cool story, well not really cool but hot, sizzling hot. :)

    Mrs. G
