Monday, March 15, 2021

The Ides Of March..Beware..Take Care!!

Caesar, obviously, did not heed the warning..cost him..Brutus wouldn't wear a mask either so..either way..seeeeeya Caesar!!
Our protector here today is a huge wedge of chilly High pressure centered over Ontario but slowing the progress of the latest winter storm; so it's slow crawling through the plains with a fun mix of blizzards and tornadoes. Dry conditions have parts of New Jersey on fire; it's a wild planet and will continue to react to our abuse..the planet doesn't care..but, it will react, adjust, always seeking equilibrium. Sun and cool today but the breeze and cirrus increasing signal a change, sprinkles early tomorrow. The bigger event will be Thursday into Friday here, rain and if there's some sun before and warming a shot at some t'storms.
TrumpVirus death numbers are way down from yesterday; my guess that's from a Sunday reporting lag rather than a dramatic drop. Numbers continue down but not that much; many state reporting no deaths and I know those states had them, they always do.
Nice to see an 65 year old, idiot Texican woman wrestled to the ground and handcuffed for entering a bank (then being a bitch) without a mask (there is irony there...). Your dumbass governor can say it's ok to show your fat white faces but a private business is still a private business and if they don't want to see your old face, to protect their customers and staff, put on a mask! Sure, take it off to service donny the douche but in our bank cover your wrinkled face!!
Earthquake numbers are way down today, only one on the planet even into the 5's. Kansas does continue to shake, not big but noticeable..
If you are going to frack
Then dump salt water down the crack
Earth is gonna get ya back
Adjust & shake from your rude attack

But, it is the heartland of the USA, and hydrocarbon greed rules...
In out solar system the sun rules (we are extracting and burning old, stored sunlight, we're just too greedy to use what the sun sends to Earth today, esso not perfecting solar taxation yet) and the solar wind continues to zap the upper atmosphere, ionizing particles that release light when settling back to normal energy levels - auroras. As far south as northern US, they are lovely but who wants to go that far north..:) Sans clouds, a tiny crescent moon might be visible in the west this evening, don't think we'll have clear skies here. But, we do now so it's time to track down a big ole fun loving dog and go for a stroll and a sunny but cool Ides of March. Stay safe out there, Today On Earth!!

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