Saturday, March 27, 2021

Planet's Shaky..But, Fine Here!!

After breaking records, hitting 86, the warmest air, just ahead of the front, is gone with little fanfare here but leaving a slightly cooler day; only into the 70's but we'll get by:) Another system arrives here tomorrow after likely firing up more violent storms down south today. Deny the planet is warmer and wilder, it doesn't care what you think or believe but you better be ready to deal with reality: it is warmer and storms are more extreme. That's what happens when you add heat to any system..we will continue to receive reminders.
None hit mag. 6 today but lots of shakes in the 5's planet wide. From the Adriatic Sea to north of Iceland, India, Indonesia, south of Japan and several shifts along mid-ocean ridges in the Southern Ocean. A little above average around the US from Alaska to Puerto Rico (which is part of US:) and of course, fracking issues shake on in OK and Texass. Even S. F. Dakota!
Another 1,260 Americans did not make it to today, TrumpVirus stupidity continues all across the US. If you opened too early, your death tolls are rising; who ya gonna blame now TDS*, it ain't ever your fault. With 75K new cases, we are not plateauing, we are rising again, aiding viral evolution as best we can, drifting paddle free down Da Nile!!
I'm sure the next inbred, basement living sociopath is shopping for his weapon of mass destruction TODAY!! "guns don't kill people, people do" and women you rape were asking for it. Overpopulation, driven by bad, unplanned parenting the reason, plain and simple. Background checks and a license for parents would cut down on the need for checks to buy a gun.. We need moms and dads not whores and sperm donors..if that offends single moms and absent dads, good!! It should, people plan more for a puppy (sometimes) or a new paint color than they do for a child.
And, getting rid of capital punishment..we need to use it more. The gunmen in Colorado and Atlanta should already be dead, perhaps their parents and siblings, too. Real consequences get quick result, kill someone; ya die, armed robbery; ya die, rape; ya die, treason; ya die, insider trading; (especially for congress)ya die, kill or injure someone as a drunk driver; seeeeeeya!!
With 7.8 billion people on Earth there is just no room for people that have no respect for the personal safety and rights and property of fellow humans. Lot of generational debris needs to be cleaned up, got five kids, we don't want you here, go ask the pope for help, he's the real problem. Overbreeding leading to poverty and hopelessness on Earth is his bread and butter..just pray your trouble away and wait for heaven, sell me your soul, then go beg at the border.
Woooo, that felt good!!
Moon still one day away from Full, the Worm moon (ask a robin why..). Spring breeding season in full swing all across the northern hemisphere (don't be part of that breeding unless you and your partner are ready to feed, clothe, house, diaper and teach that child to read..can't do that without government help, you aren't ready to have a child!!), peepers are peeping on and maples are bursting, jonquils popping, other plants ready to go!!
Stay safe, be smart, mask on vaccine in and stay apart, Today On Earth!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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