Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Ohhhh..It's Not Sunday??

Ahhh..The joys of retirement..after basketball on TV last night, I guess that's the reason, I woke up ready to watch Sunday morning news shows..only to realize, it's Tuesday! I would have been late for work, but, of course, it doesn't matter, I'M RETIRED!!!
On the rest of Earth, it is Tuesday and it seems Iceland has a new tourist attraction, lava watching. Mid-ocean ridges, for the most part, ooze basaltic lava and it doesn't explode, for the most part, just ooze and such is the case in Iceland. There are other volcanoes on the island that are quite explosive, likely hot spot related and a different source rock.
A 5.3 quake far north of Iceland and other recent quakes would suggest that the rift/boundary/MOR  separating the Eurasian and North American plates remains active. Elsewhere on the big shifty planet, 5.0 is the largest quake today, but, there were several at that magnitude. West Texas and Oklahoma's shakes continue, denied by big oil, but directly related to salt water injection deep into old rock formations. Salt water the main product brought to the surface as a result of rock exploding fracking techniques. There's gas and some oil, too and our addiction to that stuff means any way you can get at it, is ok in OK and just fine in Texass.  Open up the state and open up the Earth, who cares if a few thousand more die and Earth will become uninhabitable for future generations of humans...we made lots of money, today!!
TrumpVirus deaths and cases continue to slide, although there are hints of another surge in some numbers; less than a thousand deaths 3 days in a row. Texass and Cali the only states with over a hundred dead per day. Spring break idiots returning from the viral hotspot that is Florida will fuel the next surge, killing who knows how many of their parents or grandparents, maybe they'll get a trophy for that. This generation has gotten a trophy for everything else; bet there's an app for that!
donny the douche is going to launch his own social media site..Shitter, maybe? Fallon with great joke, but it may actually be correct; any thing on donny's site that is actually factual will be flagged. I'm sure his proud boy followers are waiting to sign on, those that are not in jail for treason and insurrection:) Sorry donny, you're just not quite relevant any more, if 70 million people say a stupid thing..still a stupid thing!
In actual Earth news, the Low off the SE coast persists, today flinging its clouds far enough inland to block most sunshine here, a cooler, damper day. A tongue of the High pressure still to our north is still wedging its way south slowing the storm roiling on the Plains but the two Lows will win out and we will be socked in with clouds and occasional showers until Saturday, ohh fun!! As the Low arrives from the west it will bring much warmer temps with it, swampy times!!
Auroras, fueled by a combo of equinox phenomenon and a big solar CME continue to dazzle far northern and southern skies. The moon waxes on and Mars and Aldebaran sneak closer. Clear skies, check it out!!
But, stay safe, be smart, mask on, vaccine in, stay apart...Today On Earth.
I know my neighbor is seriously bummed but I thoroughly enjoyed watching USC crush/annihilate/embarrass/destroy Kansas last night, go Trojans!! Jayhawks, always overrated, you suck!!

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