Thursday, March 4, 2021

Earth: Alive & In Action!!

While calm remains beneath central Va, and we have cooled as a northern High has pushed a southern High back from whence it came, we are getting off lucky (well, unless you are one of the 383 deaths finally reported in Va). New Zealand and the south Pacific are bracing for or recovering from a tsunami, a gift from the 7.3 quake just offshore of the the north island. Volcanoes continue to blast away, not yet in Iceland but the thousands of recent quakes(4.7 so far today), the North American & Eurasian plates not getting along these days likely portends magma on the move; it's goal, the surface!! Several centimeters of displacement along the boundary so far.
Indonesia, as usual, leads the volcano list with 7, one actually with the threat risk lowered but Sinabung & Merapi blasting big time, the others mostly just gassy. Guatemala's trio, Pacaya, Fuego & Santa Maria all continue blasting away at several to many explosions per HOUR, stay away, far away. Etna still rocking Sicily, Hawai'i's Kilauea lava lake oozes and roils on, Sangay in Ecuador is, as usual, blasting and on the SE edge of the Caribbean plate St. Vincent's island creating beast has a still growing magma dome. Japan & Kamchatka ongoing blasters still doing what they do; eruption!!
New Zealand's quake already with 4 good aftershocks since I've been blogging. Greece sustained damage but seems no deaths from yesterday's quake but aftershocks there continue. A very quiet quake day in the lower 48 today, just like the weather, pretty quiet.
The Cold Front is passing through here right now, a few clouds blocking the house warming sun; no rain in our 7 day forecast, none!! Maybe things will dry out a little but it's still soggy everywhere.
Va's high TrumpVirus death numbers, it has been revealed, are coming from a death certificate reporting logjam not hundreds dying per day, although the state death toll does remain high. While the Old Dominion is talking about lowering/easing restrictions, we are not playing the stupidity game like governor Greggy in Taxus, "we trust texicans to do the right thing"... well, they wouldn't even do the right thing when the mask order and restrictions were in place, they sure aren't going to do the right thing now. If 20 million texicans say a stupid's still a stupid thing.
Speaking of stupid things..donny's racist traitor club has been chatty from their basements and trailers, threatening another capital rampage for today..donny will rise again!!! Rise, he'll barely get out of his golf cart to putt. The barriers, national guard and restriction in place, reality staring qanon assholes in their white faces, I think the chances of another attack on the capital remain low, donny the douche will not ascend the throne and celebrities are not eating babies. Stupidity will stay online, where racist idiots have less chance of arrest but don't tell their mommies...
A rush of birds, one with a window bump, but fluttered away slightly askew and then..a large brown dog rounded the corner, the reason for the feathered retreat, and Breyer was home. He lounges still outside, daring birds or squirrels to enter his zone..what a good boy!! Time for me to layer up and wander forth, Today On Earth!! 
Stay safe out there..and as much as I'd like to visit a friend in Taxus, ain't no way I'm going near the Loon Star state any time soon...another 274 dead there yesterday, nice leadership Greggy!!

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