Saturday, June 5, 2021

Whaaaat?? And, Pray For Utah!!

As lakes and reservoirs continue to shrink in the western US...climate warming...duh...the governor of Utah has decreed (likely visited in a dream) a weekend of prayer to end his state's drought (I'm sure he thinks California deserves their drought). Will there be a visit from the angel I-Moron? Oh yea, it's Moron-I, either way conveys the message and con they are running out there. Perhaps he should consider that his "tribe" of overpopulating misogynists, raping the desert for god and greed, play a role in the ongoing drought. But, mormon and rational never mix, soooooo, good luck with that.
Here on the recently dampened East coast, the heat is building but the rain has gone for the time being. Big storms dumped 2+" of rain on the Tidewater so our mini-drought is on hold, for now. More T'storms forecast for midweek. The Gulf coast and up the Mississippi continue to receive far more rain than they would care for, Earth unconcerned about any of it, spinning on.
Chile', Indonesia, Scotia plate; only quakes at or above 5 today around the fractured planet. Nebraska??? 3.1 there, must be getting in on the freaking fracking scene. Some aftershocks off Oregon after yesterday's big slip but no issues. Rest of the Ring O Fire & Shakes with the usual shift and shimmy subduction action.
REMINDER: Partial/Annular Solar eclipse at sunrise Thursday morning, EYE PROTECTION or SOLAR FILTERS FOR PIX is needed. NE, Canada and Greenland the viewing spots, just barely here in Va but visible!! That means the moon is a thin waning crescent only visible for a couple more days in the pre-dawn before sliding in front of the sun.
Sun with some small spots but no big blasts headed Earth's way.
Yesterday (I'm late) marked the 32 anniversary of the Chinese slaughter of protestors in Tiananmen Square; but if you were in China and brought it are now in jail...but no person in China born since knows about it and mention of the crack down of students protesting for a voice, democracy, will get you hauled away. The brain washing in country, mostly complete! Nice place China, not enough money on the planet to get me there!!
No update for 2 days on TrumpVirus deaths or cases but news (real news not fake fox/faux news) reported we hit 600,000 dead yesterday(reality likely far more than that), nice job Punk'n Head. He's still whining about stolen elections; but not the one he stole with russian troll help in 2016 and is still banned, officially from facebook for 2 more years. His immediate rebuttal lie should get him banned forever... Mitt and his fellow utes should be praying donny has a stroke...that would help the planet!!!
It's Saturday, another party to attend, vaccination is good!! Normal-ish is good!! Enjoy, Today on Earth.
Oh say can you see
A dog thru the tree?

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