Sunday, June 6, 2021

Muggy, With Wedding Bells!!

Went to friend's place last evening, they host wonderful, music filled, yummy food affairs and turned out they had a surprise, after 15 years together, they got married!! Best friend had filled out official paperwork to make it legal, herded us together and our rather rambunctious group behaved and was amazed and delighted. Then it wasn't a party but a reception!! Amazing!! Bride's daughter and her friend since birth, really, born to moms that were friends, one day apart, were there with so many other friends, wow, what an evening!
Outside, it's still coolish but that is changing quickly, headed toward 90 again today with little or no chance for rain. A warm week ahead here with storm chances toward week's end. Rain continues in the south, Utah's weekend prayer fest has shown no sign of bringing rain, it's the desert, get real.
5.3 quake just north of the California/Mexico border with dozens and dozens of smallish aftershocks. Little damage done, it's out in the desert, middle of no where; yet another San Andreas reminder. Indonesia into the Philippines with similar magnitude quakes today, likely little concern there. Another 5.3 quake along the Iran/Iraq border, hopefully not with a military cause!
Couple of sunspots but nothing blasting CME's at Earth. Can you spot the thin waning crescent in the photo..near the center at the top, very tiny..
TrumpVirus deaths and cases continue to be lower but several hundred Americans still dying every day (probably about 100/day from a gun, too, but we don't much care about that either). Prez Joe continues to try and get some things done to move country help from the party of denial, deeply white, deeply selfish, deeply delusional, still no shame, nothing but blame, got no plan, republican! WVa's Joe Manchin, pretending to be a democrat in a now deeply TDS* state, waffles, stalls, blathers on about bipartisanship...doing what they all do, try and hang onto their cushy job. Enter the congress, leave your balls at the door, Today On Earth.

*TDS-TrumpDickSucker - on your knees, donny the douche to please!!

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