Thursday, June 3, 2021

Stormy Thursday Brewing!

A Warm front slid through late yesterday, bringing wind and rain to the Old Dominion and a warm muggy air mass, ready to fire up the storms today as the Cold front west of us sweeps through. Low risk, but still a risk for a variety pack of storms today, wind, hail, tornadoes and torrential rain. Hang on, could be getting wild!!
Got a little wild in Indonesia's Molucca Sea earlier today with a 6.1 quake and aftershocks but no waves coming ashore and the fish don't care. Probably more issues from a 5.4 quake in central China but with 1.4 billion people what's a little death and destruction, it's already a hell hole. OK has still got the fracking quake blues and a now century old reminder that "Sooner" was a disparaging term and racism is still rampant there.
Volcano update: 18 on the week's list, Krakatoa stirring, always needs to be watched; Iceland oozes on; Etna blasting wildly away, couple in the Aleutians getting gassy with a little bonus lava, Congo's nightmare has momentarily subsided but they have so many more, all overpopulated related. Not much on the list from western hemisphere and that is, I'm sure, not right...Guatemala calm, I don't think so!
Sun is quiet, there's some good news.
Trump Virus list updated, still donny's disease is killing about 500 'mericans a day, 595,000 official death tally, likely much higher. Surges continue in poorly lead countries around the globe. Countries with actual leaders a year ago, open and all good, but we can't go there...
No bears seen, no fawns chased yesterday, played a little pickle ball, in a pre-storm gale, which did not help the enjoyment, still fun. Lotsa Pasta with friends, seems like old times in the vaccinated world, outside of that, still crazy, Today On Earth.

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