Monday, June 14, 2021

Sunshine..Too Much CO2, Too Many People!!

 Sunshine is back..for now, slight storm chance later today. Lows about to turn into tropical or semi-tropical storms just off the Carolina coast and in Bay of Campeche. Record breaking heat is baking the west and's the desert, should be no surprise.
Biggish quakes in southern Philippines and just off Dominican Republic and Somalia; damage local or on seafloor but not waves created. Lots of aftershocks in So.Cal. Earth shakes on!
Few TrumpVirus death or cases REPORTED... with variants and re-opening and lots of maskless, unvaccinated liars around the spread will continue...but, hey, wanna die, don't get the vaccine; we'll seeeeeya but not miss ya!!
Reading a friends blog and comments about our atmosphere reaching CO2 levels not seen in 4 million years..lots of good thoughts, ideas, solutions but I think all miss the point and that remains that there are too many people..Thanks again, Bobby. 

The real underlying issues driving all the others, that apparently cannot be spoken about, is the number of humans on Earth. When you and I were born there were less than 3 billion people on the planet, now we near 8 billion. Too many people living too close together, competing for too few resources are at the heart of all the human issues we face today and all 8 billion would like to live like we do; Earth will not support that.
The current young generations are ready for, craving big change but greed is still driving the bus. They can make it happen quickly, social media could spark a worldwide, wait a while to have kids and only have none, one or two, great kids. Cancerous, unbridled growth that is currently driving world economies cannot go on for ever and solar panels for 10 billion…well, that’s not doable either.
All farmers know if the roots don’t have what they need, the plant doesn’t make it and the root of ALL human issues is overpopulation and we keep snipping at the outer branches hoping the tree will get better. And, as a geologist, I know the Earth does not care and does not need saving; it will spin on with some type of life aboard for a few billion more years. We humans know the problems, we have and are still creating them. We also can fix them, lots of good ideas shared here, all with potential to help, thanks again, Bobby! Hope to seeeeeya soon!
Time for me to run some squirrel out of the yard...Today On Earth!

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