Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Time For A Cool Change...59

After a high yesterday of only 77 and 0.7" of rain, Canadian High pressure is in charge and it is cool; June 23rd and cool. That, actually is similar to 2019 numbers but of the last 5 years, those two are the outliers, usually at or above 90...and it was 95 Monday. Heat will be back this weekend but the next couple of days will be sweeeeeet; not much of a test for my new cooling system, it's dry and chilly in here, I'm wearing fleece.
Had a red fox dash into and out of the yard earlier today, that was a little strange. The squirrels scattered quickly, Reynard never really broke stride, kinda veered and travelled onward. Stirred up a deer and later a turkey launched, loudly, from a treetop perch on last evening's walk; no bears sighting of late. Summer Tanager with a very quick appearance at feeder but gone before I could get binocs out. The Goldfinches are busy raking seed down to the squirrels while a large brown dog naps following his early morning wander and early return. No workers here, kinda nice!!
A 5.8 quake in Peru, in bold red on the list, is today's biggest shake; 5.4 in Chile' second on the list. Puerto Rico area and west Texass fracking quakes rule the US scene.
The Moon is just past perigee, 6 hours ago and Full tomorrow afternoon so another "Super" moon with the oceans sloshing big tidal ranges; look out coastal flooding!! Venus will form a line with Gemini's Castor and Pollux tonight in the west after sunset; the stars seeming quite dim near the brilliant Evening Star. You'll need a good view of the west, clear skies and binocs will help!
More TrumpVirus deaths yesterday in US than on the same day a year ago, and we thought things were bad then..and had no vaccine; ignorance and stupidity, often combined, still waaaaay too prevalent in this country...the rest of the world is just too over crowded and poor (can't feed, clothe, school your babies - DON'T HAVE THEM) to deal with the mess China created and donnie the douche fueled, begging always for help but not seeing their problem staring them in the face - too many people!!
Forecasts for a worse heat wave than they are just getting a mini break from out west and now the northwest..and it's only June; July and August the real issues. Already well ahead of fire pace even from last year's record destroyer season...yea, it's poor forest management, donny, ya douche.
Reality, and that's all earth cares about, it's Global Warming driving massive climate changes caused by our greed and deep, deep, deep dependance on burning hydrocarbons. And, we know exxon will continue to deny and drill on, frack on, burn on, piling up the cash until countries grow a backbone and force a change. Sorry kids, you are screwed!
To deal with problems, this guy move faster than humans do!!

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