Thursday, June 24, 2021

Another Day Of Cool, Still A Lot of Fools..

It dipped to 53 here this morning with the big High pressure dome parked over us but all must shift east; back side flow will get warm, muggy to follow, Summer. So, get out today, VA! The high pressure over the northwest did not come from Canada, perhaps hell? Cuz records continue to fall and more will fall as they move not just well over 100 but over 110.
It was 115 down in the Grand Canyon yesterday and news reports seem shocked one person died hiking down into that ditch(I bet others were much closer than they thought to death, you just can't drink enough water in that dry heat). What idiots!! Sit on the rim, in the shade and enjoy the view but hike into that inferno, stupid.
Only 17 volcanoes on the week's list, no Popo, no Kilauea, no Iceland, no St. Vincent (that actually is calming) so I know the list is short. At least the reality of Fuego and Pacaya blasting away in Guatemala are there along with Peru's Sabancaya and Ecuador's Sangay, always fired up. Philippine's Taal is belching gas, shaking and bubbling up acid in its namesake lake (no boating allowed...whaaaaat). Rest of the list is the usual crew, Indonesia with 4; Kamchatka, 3; Japan 2 and of course, Mt. Etna is still going wild on Sicily, wild!!
Few 5+ shakes, around the Ring mostly, today, none really seem likely to have caused issues. Indonesia, Marianna isles, usual shakes (but less than 5 off Puerto Rico/Hispaniola, west Texass, OK all with pretty normal shakes but off the NW coast of Australia, that's a little weird!! Mostly seafloor shakes so no harm done to the human residents above.
Another, at least, 398 unvaccinated Americans died yesterday from the TrumpVirus, I'm sure another 100+ from the NRA Virus, GunsRUs!! Charming country we got here, still drifting paddle free down Da Nile. Who knows how many died from bad and poor life choices: gluttons, smokers, alcoholics, the heavily drugged, succumbing to the American lifestyle, sloth and apathy, all aimlessly adrift on Da Nile, but all, no more.
Moon rising in the east as sun was setting in the NW yesterday, a lovely sight from the pickle ball courts but the fact you could see both...not quite a Full moon. That lineup occurs today at 2:40; the Strawberry Moon. Venus, Castor, Pollux alignment above the setting sun tonight. Cool, dry, clear skies here should make for lovely viewing, Today On Earth.
Maybe hoist a mini-beer and celebrate!!

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