Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Rain: Good! Timing: Bad!

It is nice to see rain falling..but, for the fact that the installation of my new mini-split heating/cooling system is ongoing with outside work...now, not underway...maybe under cover. I certainly need the rain and there is nothing to be done but enjoy that part of it. This is part of a Cold front that ripped up Chicago with tornadoes and will usher in much cooler air for a couple of days after yesterday's scorcher. Hit 95 here yesterday, well over 100 with heat index; a nasty day. With rain and front passage we will be unlikely to get out of the 70's today and be in the 50's tomorrow morning; little need for a cooling system but sure nice to have it.
Another rather calm day on the big shaky planet, 3 quakes at or above 5 and the only one on land is just north of the Mexico Guatemala border. At 5.0 should be no issue there. The reason for the sea floor shake off Florida now in the news, military setting off a huge blast to test ship's ability to deal with explosions..nice to know our protectors are still...??? doing their job. Seems working toward peace would be a better thing but not much money in that!!
US military is working hard to get out of W's Afghanistan nightmare, but, of course, no lesson learned from Vietnam; if you aren't going to do it Russian style and move your citizens into a country, it's hard to really affect change. Islamic idiot taliban already reclaiming the country, ready to kill those that helped US and remove all rights of women. Welcome to the 13th century, still allah seems to offer little help when trouble arises!
The sad irony, 1,700 Afghan civilians killed in first 3 months of this year, and that is tragic but...we kill that many fellow Americans every 2 weeks. When guns are easy, you solve your issues with guns not words. NRA firearm safety training doesn't not seem to be working. Not much chance at peace when our biggest export is war.
Sun is quiet but that will, of course, change. The Full, Strawberry moon is Thursday. As it rises in the east at sunset (the only time a Full moon can rise) Venus will be hanging with the Gemini twins, Castor & Pollux, forming a line in the west above the set sun. Might actually be clear here...naaaaaw.
TrumpVirus deaths and cases continue to trend lower but with 15K new cases a day we are a long way from done. Good news, in blues states with high vaccination rates, deaths and cases are way down, in red states of denial, cases and deaths are on the rise, wish I was sorry, but I'm not. Natural Selection rules, always, Every Day On Earth.

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