Sunday, June 20, 2021

Solstice & Dad's Day!!

Our planet's northern end reaches its greatest tilt toward our nearby star at 11:32 this evening and summer begins; tilted away, the southern end heads into winter. Summer heat and winter cold is already well ahead of today's official seasonal shift on much of the planet. Australia with some of its coldest temps ever and heat and drought cooking the western US; Europe swelters, too; Global Warming is here, it has been for years and way worse is coming...way ahead of our planning schedule...not that we really have one!!
Today is also Father's Day, set aside to honor fathers but really just another American marketing ploy. Fathers (and Mothers) that have planned their parenthood are honored everyday by having pleasant, respectful kids(amidst the chaos that is life). While good parents are still in the majority, millions who claim fatherhood and motherhood are closer to 'ho's and sperm donors, their offspring a burden and often a menace to us all. The rash of teenage gun violence and the storming of the capital are both directly related to bad parenting, thugs all, morally bankrupt parents passing on the attitude of do and take whatever you want from whomever you want; respect only earned when you have a gun, not clever enough of mind to produce the ideas, or words to settle differences peacefully. Still easier to buy a gun than think through an issue.
Earth still cares not, the third storm in the Atlantic basin currently ravaging the south as the northern plains brace again for severe storms; the west still baking and burning. Here, we are sandwiched between the two storm system, hot and muggy but likely remaining dry.
Only 4 quakes into the low magnitude 5's today, only 32 on the list and over a third are around Puerto Rico. The 5.4 quakes in southern Mexico and northern Japan likely the only problem causers today.
One sunspot on the side of the sun facing Earth, but it's pretty quiet. The other side of the sun, soon spinning our way, seems a little more fired up; CME's already seen blasting into space. Moon waxes on, clouds, again, blocking any viewing of Venus here last night.
TrumpVirus deaths way down but no report of deaths from half the top 20 states... What we do know, only the unvaccinated are dying. Seems an easy call to make but if you're on your knees, lined up to please donny, sucking at the fox teat, don't get it..die..we'll seeeeeya but not miss ya. Ok, boomer...seeeeeya!!
It is sooooo nice to be vaccinated, to get out, see people, hug, shake hands, live life again. But, knowing that almost half the people you see are too stupid to protect themselves and/or too self centered to care about others, but all too fast to blame others for what are self created problems, still creates a little unease. Just glad I'm vaccinated, Today On Earth.

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