Monday, December 7, 2020

Pearl Harbor Day Snow!

And, it's gone..while I was writing 3 checks, the snow, barely a dusting, melted..done, it's gone!! A little miss in timing made it a dusting and not a dump, such is the way on the warming world!! But, warm it ain't..anywhere in the US but signs are that will change. Here, it just got lighter outside, the tiny flakes are done, I may have to move my seat if the sun pops out(nope, clouds still rule), but I won't have to throw anymore wood in the stove until evening when December chills will return.
79 years ago today, a day that would "live in infamy", the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor in the then US territory of Hawai'i; it was official, we were getting into WWII. With the US help, Hitler, Mussolini and the Japs would be defeated over the next 4 very ugly, deadly years. The world map would get a major re-draw and the military-industrial complex would explode into the virus spreading, overpopulated, climate bending nightmare in which we now reside("Greatest generation" begat Baby Boomers and full on greed based extraction economy...maybe not that great).
There is the usual weekend lull(still 173,000 new case and 1,111 dead) in reporting of TrumpVirus numbers; they are still horrible as are the lies being told by the spreader in chief, his meritless conspiracy theories and rants seemingly ever increasing with his TDS* sycophants yapping it all up in their fox racist stupor, tough to argue with a sick mind. In some good news, Rudy just tested positive, that would be a good TrumpVirus death stat!!
Rational, competent folks are busy with vaccine prep and more, the Biden administration taking shape; solid, experienced people that will be ready to begin to repair 4 years of damage to our country and world the current septic system administration has dumped on us. I predicted donny would do big damage, underestimated just how bad it would be, underestimated just how Hitler-like evil he really was. Still time and work to do to dodge his attempted coup/destruction of democracy, worldwide, but without him attempting martial law or pushing a nuclear button, I think we'll make it.
A magnitude 6.1 quake in the Chilean Andes, and 5.4 shakes in the Philippines and Fiji (don't buy their water, filter your own, duh)are it for big Earth moves today; still the boundaries shift but no biggies!
The Saturn & Jupiter show continues, closer and closer they draw. The thin, waxing crescent will join the show middle of next week before the Solstice conjunction; without optical aid they will appear as one star!! Sunspots remain small and quiet.
Stay safe, stay warm, be smart, mask on and stay home, Today On Earth!!


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