Sunday, December 20, 2020

Cold & Yucky; No Sky View!!

The map says High pressure, the sky says rain, not heavy yet but it's cold and damp and nasty outside. There were hints of the waxing crescent moon last night but no visibility of the once in a life time planet show. We'll see if this mess is gone to get a peek tonight..
Who won't be peeking.. another 3,000 plus Americans that died yesterday..and the day before and the day before that. Or unlikely, the millions lined up to get food or the health care workers working long hours and days. Over a million new cases in the last 5 days..throw in months of Russian hacking of US government systems and agencies and businesses (and of course, denial by Putin's stooge donny, still doing nothing in his last 31 days, not surprising after 4 years as pretend president). I predicted 4 years ago donny would do more damage to our country in 4 years than W. did in 8 that way more right than even I thought.
In good Earth news, there are no major volcanic eruptions and have been no catastrophic earthquakes/tsunamis. Alas, weather events continue to cause local (and global) issues.. south Pacific islands recently trashed by monster cyclone, parts of northeast still buried under snow, Europe with some major cold issues; extremes all related to our rapidly warming and melting planet. Sunspots are minimal and no space objects with Earth in their target zone:)
How about a shot of the snow dusting a couple of days ago, the just rising sun would soon take care of the dusting.

In the cleverness of Barack Obama, Truth Decay is what we have been living with for 4 years; alternative facts in the double speak of the fox and now fading, but still lying, administration(should be called faux news, but certainly few watchers of the fox would get that..). 70 million Americans living in an alternative universe, one not based on the reality of science or the facts the rest of the world agree make up life on Earth. Denial, hate, fear, racism driving their lives, people that can't have a conversation about most anything without screaming or waving a gun. Much work lies ahead to get over the mess and chaos created by the evil that donny, the tweeter in chief, has dumped on the world. He has taken a big dump on the planet and it's gonna take a lot of flushes to wash it away.
So, stay safe, be smart, wear a mask and stay apart..and be nice even if you want to scream in frustration at the obvious stupidity of millions of fellow citizens and earthlings; tough to be nasty to someone being nice, new leadership is coming (actual leadership) and each of us need to do our part to help...Today On Earth.

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