Saturday, December 5, 2020

Deluges, Everywhere!!

Another 1.9" of rain in less than 12 hours, seems pretty standard in these days of extremes. Another 11,000 Americans dead; first 4 days of December, another day passes with still no resolution/help coming from lame ass congress as deadlines (perfect term this year) on keeping government open or help for millions facing evictions, job disappearance, starvation all due to lame ass job of response to, let's call it what is, the TrumpVirus! Fires still rage in California (along with TrumpVirus)!
A million new cases in USA already in December - A MILLION - that's a 1,000 1,000!! A heavy rain will not wash that pain and suffering away...
Stopped at my old school yesterday, to drop off some HolladayTunes20 CD's and they were having fire drills, woooo, so I got to visit without going inside. Great to see folks, brave folks for being there and dealing with current scene that creepy, you gotta be kidding thought from two that I chatted with. One down playing the deaths, "not really from virus.." and another "what are people really afraid of" - OMFG!!
The deaths are from the TrumpVirus - now outpacing heart disease (we're so healthy) as Number One killer of Americans, and people are afraid of dying, because mo-ron TDS* won't listen to logic/science and cover their fat faces with a mask and stop gatherings that encourage an easily spread disease to spread easily!
Reality avoidance will get ya... soon, these days. Both comments come as no surprise, just sad, I love both folks that made the comments but, so sad that they have taken such a deep bite of the fox poison fruit. And, that government, who's only real job is to protect us,  allows slander, misinformation and outright lies to be "sold" as news - FCC, worthless!!
Only 4 quakes today at or above 5, and those all fish events, but a tad above average in California, Alaska, Hawai'i (4.1 on Big Island) and Puerto Rico.
Sun and clearing seemed to be happening early today but wrap around from storm now raging as a nor-easter up New England way has brought clouds back in - seems to be cold nasty day in store - alas, it is December.
Just heard Grateful Dead guys on radio clamor about "snow storm" Monday...yea, that ain't gonna happen any more than donny's gonna admit he lost, or that he is a loser, or he doesn't have a clue. Might need a shovel to clean up the piles he leaves on his way out but won't need one for a snow event that is most unlikely to happen.
Coffee done, time to track down a dog, maybe some Premier League, Today On Earth!! 

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker - don't be one!!

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