Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Blizzard North, Rain South..

Cold, cold, cold out west, blizzard in the upper plains that's moving east but big rain coming for us in the southlands; then serious cold for all on xmas. Won't last long in VA but it seems winter in here!!
The planet dance continues, lovely again last night with Saturn still nearby Jupiter but both are sinking into the sunset (literally) fast as Earth pulls away. Moon was hanging with Mars last night, they'll be even closer tonight. The cirrus already blowing in ahead of the rain will likely block any sky views here tonight.
Couple of big quakes(5.7 & 5.8) well off Meso-America but no tsunami warnings. Otherwise, no quakes even into the 5 range.  Puerto Rico back to an even dozen quakes today.
Hawai'i eruption seems to be spouting on but not enough to make the news.
Back to over 3,000 deaths in USA from the TrumpVirus yesterday with a still steady 200,000 new cases per day; California seriously overwhelmed in both ICU's and morgues but Texas still leads in late season body count; xmas visits will likely lead to even higher numbers into new year - nice job America!
Congress got a bill passed, only 6 months late, nice job Mitch but of course donny the douche decided he needed some attention so threatened veto if not more money added; where ya been for last month, donny? With your head up your fat loser ass, whiny punk ass bitch!! Been passing out pardons to every thug he know (which is everyone he knows) screw the country and the virus that will forever be his legacy - the TRUMPVIRUS!!
Less than a month til he's a footnote in the hall of ineptitude and evil!! Still gonna take a lot to get over and beyond the shit pile he has dumped on the once great country; we can come back but a lot of racist militia assholes AND inner city thugs need to be locked up, we are soooooo not safer after donny!
Stay safe, stay warm & dry; be smart, mask on, stay apart, Today On Earth.

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