Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Frigid Boxing Day

Deep cold has settled deep into the US, into the teens in Va for the first time in a couple of years (there's a world warming sign..); and it's still below freezing even with full sun. Low 50's as high as seen anywhere in continental US even deep into Cali, TX & Florida. Gradual warming is coming over the next few days with another big ole storm rolling across the country; east coast arrival: New Year's Eve and Day!! Happy New Year!!
Minor subduction continues around the Pacific rim/ring but not big energy releases to create any big issues. Likely 40+ volcanoes carry on, rumbling, outgassing, oozing; the usual scene, locals well aware of the dangers and rewards of an active Earth vent in the neighborhood.
Clouds had rolled through last night, again blocking the waning Saturn Jupiter show. Moon is waxing gibbous, sliding away from Mars. Venus still beams as the morning star, seen this morning on a frigid early dog walk. Orion and the circling dazzling stars of winter rise earlier and earlier each night, chilly but worth a peek.
TrumpVirus (reported) numbers are way down, though still sadly, tragically high, for xmas day; likely a new peak coming after gatherings well or poorly held yesterday. Congress's attempt at help and to keep the government funded and running(only 6 months late) has been stymied by donny the dumbass, deciding to get involved but only to get his name on a bigger check; shutting down the government obviously not an issue for the moron that claims how poorly it is run. Too bad he didn't realize that as head of said government (or elected to be head) it was his job to change that if it was so bad. Sadly, all he did was make it way worse by planting clueless stooges in positions of "power". Years of recovery needed.
A terrorist bomb blast in downtown Nashville tore up a block of that city; claims or reasons still open ended as that investigation gets underway. Hopefully, not a sign of militia activity, encourage by donny the douche, yet to come pre or post inauguration!
Boxing Day, a day to give your servants a day off and a pittance, how very British! I'm watching Premier League, also very British!! Stay safe out there..and warm, Today On Earth.

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