Sunday, December 6, 2020

Chilling Times Ahead!!

Want warm, S. Florida is your option in the USA today. Otherwise, it's cool coast to coast but storms are sneaking off the coasts; wear a jacket. More important: wear a mask, stay home!!
Another 200,000+ TrumpVirus cases coast to coast; another day with over 2,100+ Americans into body bags. The tweeter in chief still rants, threatens and lies; his fat, white TDS* followers foaming at the mouth, guns ready - when you don't have the sense to make a valid argument, you just scream and wave your gun.
A good little plate boundary reminder shook N. California not long ago, but only magnitude 4.4. Japan and Tonga shook at 5.1 today but that was it for quakes today.
It took awhile, but I finally got a peek at Saturn and Jupiter through the clouds last night, Mars, not nearly as bright as it was but still brighter than any of the red stars around, Aldebaran and Betelgeuse now rising slowly in the east after dark. Venus still quite bright as the Morning Star was easy to spot this morning, actually, hard not to see pre-dawn. The sun still roils, the new sunspot cycle growing but not really noteworthy.
But, even though cool out, the sun is beaming and the tirehouse it toasty. About time for a walk, with a bird munching dog..hope you can get out on the planet but stay safe, be smart, mask on, stay apart!!

Whiney, screaming Bernie still rants, maybe he should realize that's why he never got nominated for prez or why he'll not be part of Joe's cabinet - America doesn't want socialism, Bernie. That label cost the democrats seats in the house and likely wins in the senate. So, shut up, Bernie, and tell AOC to give it a rest as well. Remember USSR's little experiment with socialism, didn't work, killed millions and left a country that is now a kleptocracy!! 

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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