Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Cold Start But With Sunshine:)

The temp dropped deep into the 20's overnight but the sun is warming things (slowly) through a cloud free sky. The smallish sunspot did have a blast yesterday that will give Earth a minor zapping over the next couple of day; living near a star has pluses and minuses!
Living in the USA is kinda the same way; we're the first country to hit 15 million TrumpVirus cases!! Cali, TX and Fla. each with over a million cases, Texas leading the fall death count with over 23,000 dead texans!! Wooooo!! Another 1,500+ Americans dead yesterday with many states, full of TDS* idiots, formerly immune now killing 'em like flies, way to kill those cowboys, Wyoming!! Kansas, also takes a big leap up the death wagon!!
How can you be dying from a hoax?? And, there are people, their last words before going on a ventilator, denying they have the TrumpVirus..their last words. Probably thought walmart would save them money and make their life better; as PT Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute and we have at least 70 million in this country.
But, 80 million people did have the sense to elect Joe Biden as our new president and Monday the electoral collage will certify that, contrary to the threats and lies and treason the current pretend, poser prez is spewing. My only regret is that Joe is such a nice guy he won't go after the fat, pussy ass bitch, try him for treason and have him shot.
His legacy: his Euro whore wife has added a tennis court to the White House, after ripping all the roses out of the rose garden. Can't see her playing tennis..doing the pool boy in the changing room, yes, but playing tennis... and, donny...his one tennis photo is so flattering, off balance, fat ass barely fitting on a movie screen.  My bet; she'll trade him in on a younger, richer model soon as they vacate the building.
Yesterday, I forgot to mention, was the earliest sunset of the year in the northern hemisphere; it's not at the solstice. Latest sunrise is two weeks after solstice. Never spotted the planet dance going on last night with clouds around..and it was cold and I didn't linger. Did see the now waning crescent moon high overhead at sunrise this morning, just past 3/4. Venus is still brilliant as the Morning Star!!
5 quakes today at 5.0 or 5.1, usual Alaska and Puerto Rico shakes, no big issues there or elsewhere.
We will remain stuck in a jet stream trough for a few more days but it will flatten a bit later in the week, our temps warming a bit everyday, 60's by weeks end. No snow events on our horizon but apparently Europe has big snow issues. Wild World Weather, welcome to tomorrow, it's here!!
Today On Earth

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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