Saturday, May 1, 2021

It's May, It's Cool..

As the usual squirrel crew romps in the front yard, I notice the forest is not moving. Much different from yesterday, when everything was moving, trees, pollen, dead (and some live) branches, chairs in the yard; debris a'flying from the wild, wild wind. First walk was breezy, second was a little scary with the falling debris danger much more real; I stayed in most of the day, just too crazy out there. Today very little movement, whew.
Big quake off the northeast coast of Japan, magnitude 6.8, very near where the 9.0 quake hit 10 years ago, hammering the coast with a tsunami, leading to a nuclear power plant, shutdown/meltdown. No tsunami today but they are dumping radioactive water into the ocean...but, hey, it's the ocean, it's big, what could it hurt; maybe it will break down all the plastic and sewage we dump in...
Panama, with a 5.1, southern Indian ocean mid-ocean ridge at 5.2, Indonesia, a 5.1 near the site of their tsunami quake 20 years ago and Vanuatu with a 5.3 shimmy. All in all, a pretty calm day on the planet, little damage done anywhere.
858 Americans succumbed to the TrumpVirus yesterday, 58,000+ new cases. Cali and Ohio lead the daily death count, Fla & Texass close behind. Vaccination rates are slowing nationwide, some dumbasses deciding one shot is enough others apparently feeling their youth, fat level, gun or general stupidity and/or meanness will keep them safe and opting not to get any shot. So, for the rest of us, the danger of the pandemic will continue. America, land of the fat, home of the stupid, but we have so many likes on facebook..
The sun remains fairly quiet, for a star. Earth will fly through the debris trail left by Halley's Comet over the next few days, Eta Aquarid meteor shower the result but it won't be much of a show. Better for southern hemisphere than northern.
7 tree rats romp in my front yard, obviously, my dog is not home and where is a hawk when you need one. I hear the hawks screaming; please swoop by and grab a squirrel to feed your babies, help me out here, too many tree rats is not good. Bird feeder activity remains high, gold finches raking the seed out.
Only warmed to 57 so far today after a low of 43, chile today, hot tamale, to use a south of the border sign line(building up to Cinco da Mayo, that American Mexican holiday). Back into the 80's tomorrow, roller coaster temp ride this week but trending warmer. No turkeys seen yesterday, no recent bear activity (seen) and no branches on my head..or Breyer's. It is a pretty nice day, get out and enjoy, safely, Today On Earth.

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