Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Heat Kills The Virus???

Weren't we told last year, by our "leader", tweeter, (LOFL) that heat would kill the virus! Maybe this year..at least deaths and cases are down(as it seems, is reporting in places more interested in restricting voting than restricting viral spread) and continues to trend that way. And, after a long, cool spell in May, the heat is coming. Today we may hold in the 70's but 80+ tomorrow and then quickly on to the 90's.
And, the east gets drier and drier while Texass is deep, deep, deep under water; with more on the way. Seems like a good time for Loon Star electric to shut down the grid for maintenance and then raise rates!!
Tornadoes, monster hail, wildfires, drought and heat, with spotty flooding from ice damming..oh yea, and a typhoon slamming India; sounds like spring on the big planet.
And, I certainly feel good about going about mask free knowing those not vaccinated will be sure to keep the rest of us safe by still wearing their mask. Now that is funny!! The ones that have never worn a mask are the ones not getting vaccinated and still believing all they hear on the fox lie network and still conned, still believing the fat, orange headed waste of skin(and that's a lot of skin) that has done so much to damage this country and world, spreading the TrumpVirus infection; and on it rages. "Make 'Merica White Again".
Yet, far as I can tell, Earth cares not a bit, spins on as it zooms about the nearby star. 8 days away from casting its shadow on the moon (west coast only, if they can see through the smoke) daily dealing with solar high energy zapping, an atmosphere unconcerned about more or less CO2, higher or lower temps, life or no life, just a chunk of rock flying through space, but a pretty nice, well eroded, well tuned rock to support life...well tuned by life for life.
43 quakes on the list right now, nothing shakier than magnitude 5.4 any where on the broken, plate covered  globe. Same story, heat inside wants out, looking for a zone of weakness to exploit. Lot of little shakes releases pressure to reduce big shakes..still there will be big shakes. When, figure that one out, you'll make a lot of money:)
My large brown dog has returned after a short wander to see his girlfriend, now reclining in the yard(much to the displeasure of the local tree rat population. Crows are yapping nearby and a bluebird is trying to get down into my stove pipe (now protected from bluebird entrance by wire); they have a house in the yard, I don't get the stove pipe interest.. High pressure holds on in the east, slipping ever so slightly off shore to allow hot, steamy southern air to send the summer is near reminder our way; AC's about to get busy.
A squirrel just dared to enter the dog zone...that was not going to work..what a good boy.
Time to take a stroll, and continue gearing up for a faculty tire house party, Today On Earth!
Pre-party planning

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