Monday, May 17, 2021

High Pressure For The Block!!

The large, cool, High pressure dome that has been parked over us for several days has decided to stay awhile longer. It will shift a little farther east but just enough to sling some hot air our way by midweek and block any rain from getting here. That means the already wet middle of the country will get even wetter..and wetter and we will drift closer to an actual drought.
Half a world away, hurricane/typhoon/cyclone season is already underway as a storm bears down on India.  A year ago, Tropical Storm Arthur was headed up the east coast. Not yet this year..but, it's only a matter of time. Methinks the wild planet has no plans to calm anytime soon.
Not a big shake day, again. The northern mountains of Iran with a series of mid 5 shakes today; likely Indo-Eurasian boundary shifting and not Israeli bombing..I hope anyway. Little 3.3 shake just north of Montreal, just a reminder that the St. Lawrence is there (like most rivers) because there are some old faults; broken rock easier to erode than unbroken.
Folks with good camera skill and much patience are getting pics showing Mercury's comet like vapor trail even with out selecting for sodium ions. The innermost, speedy planet gets as far out from the sun as seen from Earth today. By June it will be dipping low in Earth's sky, about to pass 'tween us and the sun so get a peek while you can. Your eyes will not see the "comet" trail, just non-blinking star above much brighter Venus. In the far north, back to back weak CME's will tweak our upper atmosphere and fire up auroras over the next couple of nights. The moon waxes on, now a thick crescent, maybe in Leo tonight.
TrumpVirus deaths showing the usual Sunday low, none in TX, OH, MI?? IDTS!! Still signs are headed in the right direction. I just hope the early, hopeful, lifting of restrictions and mask mandates doesn't lead to a new spike, time alone will reveal that answer.
Enjoy one last cool day here in Va. cuz the warmth later today is just foreshadowing of heat to come, Today On Earth.
A cute, good snake..
Not cute, deadly (and dead)snake

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