Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Kent State - Star Wars - May 4th

51 years ago today, 4 innocent college students were killed and several others shot but survived at Kent State University in Ohio. National Guard had been called in by an idiot governor looking for votes in an upcoming elections. Only one of the 4 were actually at the protest, 3 just passing by on the way to class, nice shooting from the guardsman (obviously they were in the military but must have been special, middle class and white and were not in Vietnam). Special last night reminded me of the heinous acts coming from the top - Nixon -that students and others were protesting in massive numbers nationwide against the war in Vietnam and then into Cambodia. Villages set ablaze in SE Asia and now college students gunned down in America. 2 more would be killed a few days later at Jackson St. in Miss. but they were black and not much focused on by the media. Very troubled times...history keeps repeated and we don't get it..
The start of a long string of crooked, lying republican presidents happy to send poor Americans to war overseas..and dumbasses keep voting for them. Like blowing up rock was going to change things in Afghanistan - 20 years now - thanks W. And, then donny the douche turned the US into a second rate power, respected by none, feared by none, laughing stock of all..and he killed way more than 4 college kids. 577,000 and counting through his lies and negligence..still the TrumpVirus count rises, about 700/day.
On a lighter note, and we need that, May the Fourth Be With You - It's Star Wars day! Of course, like all fun, geeky things somebodies gonna try and make money on it and that would be the "founded by a big ole racist", Disney, that now owns Star Wars. Try not to spend any money there...
We are now well into the warm side of the front and temps are rising. While tornadoes trashed things throughout the south yesterday, the weather channel failed to mention the one that left a trail of destruction across Va's Northern Neck. Good timing saved a woman's life; she was at the store, buying a new stove to replace the one that had just died when a tornado swept through and completely destroyed, demolished her house. It even pulled the septic tank out of the ground. 89 year old relatives in the much damage house next door survived in the tub covered in a mattress. That would not have worked for her, house..gone, really gone, not even the block foundation. 150 yard by one mile destruction path and no injuries, lucky indeed. 1/4" of rain here. Sun and warm today.
My big dog was crazy last night, gimpy today; the bear was around. Borrowed the neighbors trash can, not sure what else he messed with.
Very slow quake day, nothing even near magnitude 5...whoops, just had a mag. 5 quake in Vanuatu but that's it.
Sun quiet for now but big spot about to turn our way, blasting on the other side, away from Earth right now.
Can you spot a dozen Lady Slippers in this pic? Not all are blooming but there are a dozen there.

Stay safe out there, avoid National Guard troops..or any troops and if black, obviously, any cops, too. Or fat, unmasked idiots in Make America White Again hats..avoid them like the plague..Today On Earth.

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