Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Almost Run Over By A Wild Deer..

My Big Brown Dog jumped a deer, that's been hanging around of late, on our midday walk yesterday and in its haste, the deer didn't see me until maybe 50' or less from a direct collision. But then, his eyes got big (I'm sure mine were, too) and he/she did a quick correction and bolted about 25' by me and off into the clear cut jungle next "door". Breyer likes a short chase but is not a deer dog; he prefers his wild treats to be feathered...although I have seen him go hard and long after a fox. It's wild out there!! My big dog is currently having a wild puppy dream, twitching and huffing, what a good dog!!

Sunny and a little breezy and still in the cool zone here in the Old Dominion. Spring is OK in spring, often bypassed straight to summer so we'll enjoy the cool while we can. Another chance of storms all across the deep south today. California, and the west in general, remain in serious drought conditions, serious drought, gonna be another long, hot, fiery summer in the west.
Pretty average day of quakes, Chickasha, OK had windows rattled twice today and a 5.1 quake in the mountains well west of Mexico City likely did little damage...so...it didn't settle the lake sediment the largest city in the Americas is built on and add to their problem of "our city is sinking" and why isn't the pope, that has encouraged our over breeding, helping!! Little secret: he don't care, long as you send him your money and keep praying, he's gottcha!!
A small comet flew into the sun yesterday, bye bye! Little solar blast will stir Earth's upper atmosphere and trigger auroras few days from now (solar wind is not as fast as sunlight). The Moon is New today at 3pm, might be visible as a tiny crescent tomorrow low in the SW after sunset near Venus. Should be easier to spot the next night near Mercury. Clear skies and a good look at the western horizon will be needed.
TrumpVirus deaths remain low(367), although it continues to slowly (rapidly??) kill the republican party. Lie or else, their new requirement!! No report still from Ohio, so I know that death number is low, cuz I know somebody and likely quite a few somebodies died in that land of reality deniers. Let the anti vaxers stay home...but, we all know they will be out there, their fat white faces spewing hate and lies..least their faces aren't orange!!
A little work was actually done at the tirehouse yesterday, maybe more today; WOOOOO.  And, in other WOOOOO news; Red Wing Roots music festival is a go for 2021!! Very much a WOOOOOO!! I'm also working on an end of the year faculty party, another WOOOOOOOOO!! Times they are gradually a'changing, Today On Earth.
How about another dog pic? The sweet Charlie boy in a field of Texas wildflowers!!

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