Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ghina Is Rockin'!! Ana Is Named!

A 6.1 quake followed, not too far away, by a 7.3 quake shook things up on the Tibetan plateau today(yesterday, technically) leaving a mess in two different regions of China. Only 3 deaths reported but they lie about things like that so who really knows. 7.3 is a pretty good shaking and in a poorly built, overpopulated place with aftershocks continuing, my guess would be issues will continue for days. One thing is pretty certain, their population will still go up.
That overshadows a fairly shaky day around the big planet; 6.5 quake at the NE junction of Aussie/Pacific plate, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Aleutians all with big sea floor shifts. Carlsberg and S. Mid Atlantic ridges also got the magma oozing shifting harm done there! No tsunami reports from any of those seafloor shimmies.
Dry air allowed the temp to drop to 56 early this morning but we're already moving quickly through the 70's and could easily hit 90 today and no rain chances here. Well out in the Atlantic, Tropical (or subtropical) storm Ana's formation and naming is now the seventh year in a row with a named storm ahead of the official start of the season. The disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico has not reached named status but continues the hammering of the Loon Star state with rain. They got flooding, we got drought, with no change coming anytime soon:( Anywhere!
Sunspot that had calmed fired back up today, more cosmic energy coming our way. Moon waxes on setting stage for western eclipse of the Full Flower moon Wednesday; Hawai'i a nice spot to view it! Venus & Mercury still low the west after sunset, Mars above. Jupiter & Saturn the morning stars.
No TrumpVirus deaths update again..still cases, still deaths but they are slowing. Chaotic death and destruction and insanity in Israel has been put on hold; US behind the scene pressures apparently doing the trick. Joe knows how to get things done, last guy knew nothing, about anything..but being a lawyer backed bully and tweeting blow hard. Progress and rebuilding continues with actual US leadership from an actual US leader.
Time to get out, get manure, play some cards, maybe watch a little golf - Go Phil..and Brooks!! Dog naps on but I bet he'll get up and go, Today On Earth.
A little Aspen bark for lunch..Ahhhh, Colorado!!

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