Friday, April 30, 2021

Cool, Green & Breezy!!

The forest has leafed out, now a deep, deep, mallow green and today it is in motion. A Cold front passed thru late yesterday, with a little wind and very little rain but the pressure gradient between that storm's center and us is severe, so is the wind. 35+ mph gusts are forecast today and it's cranking up now. That front also dropped the temp back to spring-like levels not the summer stuff of the last 3 days. The cool down will be short, 80 again by Sunday and long term predictions are showing a very warm, even hot, May for most of the central and eastern US. 
Global Warming isn't coming, IT'S HERE!! Get used to it..
In "wrens are crazy" news; just flown and tweeted at by the local pair as they flew out of my mortar mixer, this week's nesting spot...wild, noisy but cute little birds. Just enough rain in the gauge to wet the bottom..0.01"..maybe. And, yes, cool and breezy.
Earthquake numbers are waaaaay down, usual spots around US but Pacific rim, Eurasian, Saudi, African plate boundaries are very quiet..that will, always, change.
Sun is fairly quiet, a little bombardment coming Earth's way but only minor aurora forecast. The moon wanes on, Mars glows red in the SW, Venus and Mercury are in the SW but very near the sun and very low and hard to spot; that will change later in the month but Venus will be the evening star for the rest of the year; have patience and you won't be able to miss it.
Photos of softball size hail in Texass yesterday, whoa!! Major smashing occurred, just pummeled stuff..dealers won't be selling those cars..although, it's Texass so..who knows.
Michigan continues to lead the death by TrumpVirus numbers in the US; 116 of the 879 that died yesterday, way to ignore common sense and spread it around you 'Ganders. Idiot republican legislator more concerned with "freedoms" and "rights" than the one freedom we all crave, freedom to remain alive and virus free..not important to TDS*. Poor democratic governor's call for, again, common sense rules to keep everyone safe being ignore..still like to hear a republican PLAN, not a rant, not no, no, no but a plan. 
It's Friday, enjoy, but safely..being vaccinated feels so much better than not being vaccinated, so much better. It's breezy,  it's cool, it's green, Today On Earth.

*TDS- trumpdicksucker..

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