Friday, April 23, 2021

Time To Be Bear Aware!!

It's never a good sign, in late April, when my dog wakes me at 3am; barking wildly. I did not see the bear, apparently heeding Breyer's warning but quickly saw the damage. The thin wire, 9 feet off the ground, that I hang bird feeders from was much lower, hanging by the holiday lights that run along it; wire keeps the squirrels off, not the bear. Nothing to eat and still he pulls them down..bitch!!
Another cold morning but not as cold, some high clouds holding the heat in as they stream in ahead of tomorrow afternoon's forecast rain. Then the warmth of spring returns, 80's on the midweek horizon.
Big uptick in quake numbers but not one even near magnitude 5, anywhere on the big, broken plate planet. 8 each in Puerto Rico, Alaska and western US.
Big blast, coronal mass ejection (CME) off the sun that is streaming our way at 760km/sec but much slower than sunlight so it won't get here until Sunday. Geomagnetic storm will be in the offing, auroras and more. Moon is gibbous waxing toward full on Monday.
TrumpVirus numbers, deaths and cases jumped again yesterday; 911 & 66,362 respectively. Cali leads the way in total deaths still but Michigan with, again, more deaths per day; nice job Ganders, nice job America. I'll be 2 weeks out and fully vaccinated in an hour and a half!! I'll still be masked at the store later today, still not pushing my luck and it pisses off TDS*: Bonus!!
AOC got a challenge from mtg yesterday but guess what you hoax believing moron, AOC don't care about you and doesn't have to. Looks like the cig smoking has cause mtg to visit the same reupholstering shop that redid the leather on donny's bedraggled face. The world would be such a prettier(and safer) place if TDS* would just cover their fat, pasty faces with masks.
Stay safe, be smart, mask on, shot in and bear aware, Today On Earth.


LOFL moment..hannity interviewing donny the douche(Seth Meyers showed it last I'd watch the fox), starting with question to verify that donny is still working as hard as he did when that's hilarious..watching the fox (faux news) and tweeting is not work, lying constantly is not work; it's what a sociopath does!! The fox would be competition for the comedy channel if they didn't think they were serious...LOFL!! Today On Earth!!

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