Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Don The Con; Caught Again!!

Reading an article, years ago, about a camp in the wilds of Utah for wayward youth, there were 3 "myths of youth" that campers had to "get" and get over before they could really move on. Over 3 days I used those as my daily ecofact quote I had on the board. The first: I'm smarter than everyone else and I won't get caught! I added YNAYW underneath..my little guessing game fun..You're not and you will!
The first day I ever put it up, a clever girl but with home life issues, looked at it and said, "yep, that's true..". Since our past, douche bag, pretend president is really still a teenager mentally, rich, spoiled, pussy ass bitch that he is, he should review those 3 myths. He is sooooo not smarter than most anyone and he continues to get caught. It was recently revealed his campaign had to pay back over 67 MILLION dollars they had scammed from people making a one time donation that were then charged that donation monthly (hidden in very fine print) and when things looked bad pre-election, weekly. They've paid back 67 million, so far. For an honest person it is hard to wrap my head around just how slimy you have to be, and that's lots of people being that slimy, to rip off your supporters like that. Again, jail is not enough, donny the punk'n head douche needs to be shot, dumped in an unmarked grave. The workers that set it up: jail, general population at max security prison.
Donny's legacy virus, the TrumpVirus, is on the rise again in the "lets open up, we don't need no science" USA. Easter/spring break surges, with a growing list of variants (natural selection/evolution at work) here and abroad. Deaths are down a bit but cases have shot back up.
Speaking of shooting back up, lava in Iceland. New fracture has opened and more lava is spewing forth; Earth is so cool!! Quake numbers back up a bit, west coast of S. America, Haiti, Kermadec Isles, East of Scotia plate, Kansas, OK, Texass, Utah..you know the usual quake zones.
Lovely spring weather rolls on here, a long string of mild nights and 70 degree days coming; but, of course, so is rain. Chances go up tomorrow, way up Friday and through the weekend. With trees getting busy, a little (or lot of) rain will help with pollen removal; it will be back. Most of the country is warmish. Indonesian death toll from their cyclone action rises onward; it might be considered population control but I'm sure waaaaay more will be born there than perish..still they don't see the problem and allah doesn't seem to be stepping in to help:)
Space remains pretty quiet, still auroras light the northern sky and tis the season for the zodiacal light. A curved cone of sunlight reflecting off the ubiquitous dust sprinkled throughout our solar system. The bulk of the dust is mostly on  the same plane/line/arc as the planets, the zodiac, hence the name. Not sure I've ever really seen it..other than in pics.
Thanks to spaceweather.com and Peter Iredale for this shot off the coast of Oregon..zodiacal light is the faint diagonal above the shipwreck in the foreground!!
Time to get out for dog retrieval, he is a retriever and I often have to retrieve him..not sure that's how it's supposed to work! And, CONGRATS to Baylor for their big win in college hoops!! I only caught bits of the early blitz that quickly became a blowout/beat down...Ken Burns, Hemingway, had my main attention, will again tonight.
Stay safe out there, lot of selfish stupidity about, Today On Earth!!

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