Thursday, January 7, 2021

Shocked, Surprised? Why??

First, let's just remind everyone how bad google SUCKS! SUCKS! Maybe ok as a search engine (but, it really is so skewed at that as to be a monopolistic joke)but at anything else it SUCKS! Just typed an entire paragraph, in a micro font and it all just went away!
Why the shock, surprise, hand ringing after the coup/siege yesterday? It's been coming for 4 years, promised all summer; my surprise is that is hasn't happened earlier and with even more violence. These dumbassess have no ability to discuss, all they can do is scream and shout and threaten with their guns (I got my 2nd mendment rights...). They are racist pigs that have been hiding (not far) in the shadows all around us until given the all clear by donny the douche. And, donny and his kind are the ones that have been abusing peasants like them for centuries, the rich writing laws for the rich, screwing the uneducated masses; the masses just too stupid to see the joke is on them.
And, while the shocked news scene was about one death and the mayhem in DeeCee, 3,964 more Americans died from the TrumpVirus - how many denying it's even real as they kicked off. Blasting apart the previous daily death toll by several hundred; more record death counts to come as morons keep wandering, partying mask free! Quarter of a MILLION new cases a day and with death toll exploding we could easily reach 400,000 dead by the time this poser is forced from office.
ALL THOSE DEATHS ARE ON YOU DONNY, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOUR LEGACY!! Over 15,000 already in 2021 - 6 days - 15,000 more families you've destroyed donny!!
Meanwhile in congress, it took an invasion of their house (yea, they say it's "ours" but once in, the parasites are hard to get out, right Lindsey?) for the republicans to begin to grow a backbone and dare speak against donny the king-wanna-be! The hypocrisy flowed last night! Slime!! Republicans, all high and mighty and brave, hiding from their followers, hiding, cowering from their supporters, their voters, their kind! All proud Mitch, while your wife is on her knees in donny's office getting him ready for you to kneel next.
All the while, the cops, national guard, capital police, protectors of the people, stood by, all to happy to gun down a black man with his hands up holding a cell phone but no way they would stop a white mob. A sad day, showing what America has sunk to in these last 4 years, enabled by a fat, rich, racist, liar! So proud America!
Meanwhile, Earth warms and spins and storms and shakes and spews and on, ever on, completely unconcerned about the farce going on in America, a worldwide virus or anything else we humans are doing. But, our planet does respond to inputs of gas, pollution, trash, humanity..clever folks noticing the responses, the changes increasing at an alarming rate. The greedy corporate world doesn't care, long as the money flows, stock prices surge and they are given free rein; pollute and kill onward.
How long until there's nothing left at quote Billy Strings.. sooner than we would like, I fear.
The IndoAussie Pacific boundary zone has some major subduction quake action going on today. While the seafloor quakes, 5 (at least) volcanoes are blasting away on Indonesia..with one on PNG. Kamchatka blasts on, Guatemala's active trio are still going big time and Hawai'i oozing continues. The southeastern Caribbean makes the list, Soufriere St. Vincent with a growing lava dome and getting gassy. Other reports hint at signs of trouble elsewhere on the edge of the Caribbean plate. Heat wants out!!
Sunshine here today, clouds coming later as a southern snow storm cranks up. Looks like it will mostly miss us to the south. With clear skies, I did spot Jupiter low in the southwest last night. Didn't have the binocs so never saw Saturn..or Mercury. Mercury, coming out from behind the sun will rise past Jupiter as the month goes on but never lingers for long, peaking on the 24th but gone, passing between Earth and the sun early in February. Uranus is near Mars in a couple of weeks, need to remember and check for the 7th planet later in the month (18-22).
Hmmmm, no dog, maybe the neighbors are home, hopefully without any Kansas virus, time to get my much cleaner(haircut, much needed, and beard trim - no more unabomber) looking self out, Today On Earth.

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