Sunday, January 17, 2021

Graupel Squall!!

I saw the dark cloud coming, picked up my pace, first the sound, then the pelting. It was a graupel squall! Tiny snow/ice pellets, snowflakes coated with a second layer of ice on their decent, crashing down, quickly adding a white tint to the paths but it was all over quickly..and moved on. That arm of the storm that swung through at dusk yesterday seemed to be it, the sky cleared and stars appeared. Seems to be lake effect snow to the north and west but mostly sun here.
The week ahead has much of the country pretty standard mid-January temps; here that is lows in the upper 20's, highs in the upper 40's. Not much rain/snow chance till late in the week.
Another shaky day around the broken planet's boundary zones but nothing hitting mag. 6..or really close. California & Nevada & Puerto Rico lead the USA, reminders more than damaging shakes. Volcanoes in Indonesia seem to still be blasting away.
The sun remains relatively quiet, Mars and Mercury the only planets on display..well, Uranus is near Mars but I haven't spotted it yet. Venus in the morning is rising just before the sun and getting tougher to find, for my view anyway. You can see the best planet everyday: Earth. Go outside and look around, coolest planet by far..well, so far..
Another 3,353 Americans died from the TrumpVirus yesterday, the trend likely pushing us over the 400,000 dead mark if not today, certainly tomorrow. Still at least 200,000 new cases in the US/day; we'll cross over 24 million cases today, nice job America, way to push our already grossly unhealthy country deeper into poor health. Way to make America great again, donny; lying, incompetence and bankruptcy your standard! You hit your trifecta goal on all three of those over the last 4 years.
Congrats to the Bills & Packers! I'm always glad to see the Lambs and Ravens go.. Home teams won yesterday, I'm picking the visitors today!! Sorry I'm missing the Liverpool ManU match today!!
Big Brown Dog has returned, I've caught up on my sleep, time for a walk in the forest. We'll see if the new resident woodcocks are out and about today. They scared the crap out of me earlier this week, blasting into the air when I was about 10' away. A small hawk followed them... Earth always a dangerous place! Too bad we continue to run this experiment in viral mutation, but at least it's working. The mutants variants are popping worldwide..then spreading..worldwide. Way to lead USA!! 3 days 18 minutes from actual leadership!! We need ya bad, Joe & Kamala, Today On Earth!!

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