Thursday, January 14, 2021

Explosive Eruption Potential...Everywhere

Got seeing an erupting volcano on your bucket list (it's on mine but, kinda, sorta, seeing a tornado)? They are closer than you think; not that we can actually travel anywhere. In the West Indies, Soufriere(means sulfur mine) St. Vincent and Pelee on Martinique are both showing signs of life, the former with gas emissions, the latter with quakes indicating hydrothermal movement within. Popo in Mexico and Pacaya (and I'm sure, Fuego and Santa Maria) in Guatemala are still getting eruptive busy. Hawai'i's Kilauea still has lots of lava swirling and looking to flow. Russia's Kamchatka peninsula and Indonesia's archipelago both have 5 blasting away on the weeks list of 19; pretty normal for both island arcs (Kamchatka is island arc in formation, just still attached to mainland).
Want more human style eruptions? We got those nationwide in the country made un-great by donny the douche and his horde of fat, racist morons. The capital in DeeCee is heavily guarded with National guard troops ahead of next week's inauguration, as are most state capitals. The traitorous pig's goal: a white country with no change where they get their way even though in a minority, and no rent paid for living in their parent's basement, better trailer park conditions and no taxes on their squatter militia compounds in the woods...and more walmarts to buy more cheap chinese crap..them fox folks got high standards!!
Donny the douche, only president in history to be impeached twice!! Now about his firing squad... will his former, little bitch Mitch grow a pair and bring it up in the senate? Crazy times, when will GA certify their two new senators? How many 'publicans will jump ship, only need one, do it Lisa!! Still a ways to go to get this piece of garbage out of our White House!!
Very, very quiet quake day around the big planet. More in Alaska and Puerto Rico than the rest of the world. Sun still rules here but a haze builds ahead of the stormy mess currently trashing the high Plains. That front/system will get here late tomorrow with a little rain, then back to more January temps..still no snow in long term forecast.
Saw a photo of Lake Erie recently, no ice. Great Lake region is mostly ice free with day time temps above freezing; no ice forming that way! Small lakes and ponds my have some ice but no ice on the big lakes, just another in our face hint, THE PLANET IS GETTING MUCH WARMER!!
Almost 4,000 dead Americans, again, yesterday; 385,000 the new total, we'll definitely hit 400K before donny the denier is done; TrumpVirus spreads onward, quite the legacy. And, donny dared to call Mikey Pence a pussy, takes one to know one. Incite the horde, claim to be right with 'em, then go hide in your bunker and watch it on TV; Chrissie was so right... donny is a "pussy ass bitch".
You know the drill, stay safe, be smart, mask on, stay apart...was thinking about golf today...but, that would involve going out and potentially interacting with trumpdicksucking idiots, so, no; not Today On Earth.

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