Sunday, January 10, 2021

Planet Trio - Whoa!!

I could only spot Jupiter from my forest, across the clear cut, so, I had to drive. Down the road to a bigger clear cut and it took some shifting and moving but..whoa!! Jupiter on high, bright; dimmer Saturn lower right, losing the race around the sun and hidden at first in the tree line; Mercury, far brighter than Saturn and looking to catch Earth, swinging out wide(ish) around the sun, poised to pass Jupiter over the next few days.
All 3 fitting in the much needed binocs (never did see Saturn with my eyes); spectacular, maybe even more so than the conjunction; WHOA!! Might try and catch it again tonight but last night was the best!
I don't have equipment to get pics...for my eyes(or yours) only!!
Well, well, well, a wandering dog has returned...after 4 hours out on the morning dog party circuit; his girlfriend is back in town...hopefully free of the TrumpVirus - Kansas strain..
Snowing in Texas, sunny in VA. Still coolish, few high clouds. The storm currently in TX looking to head across the southlands over next couple of day, snow and rain in tow; will again, looks like, miss us, maybe some rain.
Could not spot the waning crescent moon pre-sunrise today, must be way thin. Venus is also getting low in predawn sky as it catches Earth in solar orbit.
Two magnitude 6.1 quakes on opposite sides of southern Pacific, maybe some issues in Argentina..otherwise, pretty average quake day. 
Snow storms and the resultant avalanches are popping up around the world, storm continuing the current trend, bigger, longer, stronger; welcome to the rapidly warming Earth.
Off Earth, minor space disturbance today, should not be an big issue on our planet.
The big issue on Earth continues to be the TrumpVirus; in all of its manifestation. The actually virus infecting another 1/4 million Americans yesterday (well, that's how many tested positive..who knows how many got it as TDS* morons continue to spew lies, venom, violence and the virus. The person still pretending to be prez and care, the virus incarnate, locked out of his media crutches, appears locked down but still seeking to spread his own virus self; much danger to our democracy and country and world remains. 3,261 more Americans that you killed yesterday, donny, nice job! Vaccines lounge all about the country, undistributed, federal incompetence on display to the end of this 4 year nightmare!
That's it, stay safe, be smart, mask on, stay apart..home!!
Today On Earth!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker...

That's you Ted C, Josh H, treasonous slime that should be shot by the firing squad that cleans up Punk'n Head prez.

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