Saturday, June 1, 2019

Sadness At The Beach..

A difficult day in Virginia Beach, and a sad reminder for the rest of the country, of how the ease of gun ownership increasingly combines with anger and mental unrest to bring tragedy to so many. The friends I'm staying with worked with 3 of the victims; I have no words to ease his pain, recovery for the entire community will take months, years, for ever. When will we as a country deal with the issues, all of which leads to the continued wholesale slaughter of Americans by guns. Guns kill people, 30 (maybe 90) a day die from bullets exploded from guns in the USA - EVERYDAY!

Guns, their only purpose: to kill! That's it, that all a gun has ever been designed to do, KILL. Defend, attack, hunt; all about killing, that's all guns do. Anybody wants to argue that simple fact should get "nra idiot" tattooed on their forehead so rational people know not to even bother to talk with them.
Yes, I own guns. We don't need to, can't, get rid of guns. But, the attitude toward them needs to get real about their purpose: to kill.

Tough to do when our economy is based on greed fueled by war. Bullets & bombs and their delivery systems and use are what has made the US the country it is; a tough reality to discuss reducing gun violence or war. My golf game yesterday was played with continuous gun fire in the near distance and jet bombers flying overhead, with two, really fun, naval officers. Reality in today's US/world.

Wish I had an easy answer(s). Smile at, and acknowledge everyone you meet as a fellow human is a small, good place to start. I'm betting someone somewhere hadn't done that to yesterday's shooter (no way am I shifting the blame to anyone but him) and for many folks little things fester, tragedy occurs.

Share a touch, handshake, hug, a smile with eye contact, with someone today. We can all use it.

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