Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Muggy With Spider Webs

August is when spider webs peak
Legs, arms & my face they seek
(Spiders really don't want my face
Just don't know path not a good place)
Sticky, yucky, hard to remove
Hard to spot on the trail groove
Today mix that with humidity
And, there are two reasons I see
To stay inside or carry web stick
Swat web & spider, nice & quick
Humidity, that is another sensation
No chance of removing perspiration
Not really hot, just humid & gross
Repeating, we say, "it feels mighty close"
Now we're having a little shower
Weak front coming not much power
Now rain is coming down pretty good
Giving a little drink to the wood
Two tropical storms in the Atlantic
Erin no landfall, just surf that's gigantic
Dorian looking to pack double pop
First Puerto Rico, then Florida for a stop
Residents should be paying attention
FEMA funds headed to border detention
Hurricane victims last for any cash
Puerto Ricans waiting after Maria's bash
If it won't keep daChump in the news
We'll all just keep taking the abuse
Fortunately no problems with quakes
S. Sandwich with only big shakes
Seems to be no tsunami issues there
I'm betting penguins are always aware
Everyday On Earth

They are living with geologic time
So very long, so very sublime
We seem to think only in hours & days
Constantly ignoring Earth & it's ways
Mostly slow but sometimes very fast
How will the future look like the past
Humans still lack total Earth understanding
Like my Spanish, not very commanding
Yes, we have figured a lot of stuff out
Still, so much more is in doubt
But, ignoring data, relying on "belief"
Many a fool waiting for sweet death relief
Only thing for sure, right here, right now
To survive on Earth better figure out how
To stop burning oil, throwing plastic away
Kill less with guns & bombs everyday
Give women reproductive rights, equal pay
Put down our phones, get out and play
Ice & permafrost gonna keep melting
Bigger, slower storms will keep pelting
Droughts & fires will continue to grow
And, whatever we think that we know
Well, we better be willing to change
Because, Earth will continue to rearrange
And, everyday
On our big planet!

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