Thursday, May 2, 2019

Things Are Heating Up!!

A monster Bermuda High is in charge
So, plain storms will wait to barge
Into the mid-Atlantic till the weekend
Today it's looking like they will send
More tornadoes raging 'cross the plains
Torrential rain and hail smashing panes
Just another spring day on the big Earth
Be ready to hang on for all you're worth!
We have an increasing chance of storms, too
Sliding down the Blue Ridge, roiling through
In the sky the moon is two days from new
So that tiny crescent is tough to view
Heat, haze, clouds and storms
Will keep sky watching below norms
Few quakes today, but biggest only mag. 5
There'll be more on a planet alive
Volcano list: 17 mountains are erupting
None of them doing much destructing

Heard my latest letter made the local paper
To keep local slime from pulling off their caper
President, Attorney General both liars
Seems to be to what local officials aspire
Ignore, distort and twist the truth
We're coming for you in the voting booth
Not sure how so many can be so dumb
Are they expecting to be thrown a crumb?
daChump don't care about them
Just wants the focus on him
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me
Don't want to look, only moron to see
Living on Earth requires you to think
Else you be ripped off in a blink
Two trillion on bridges and roads?
More of our money down the commode
Not sure who will do the work
Won't be no daChump votin' jerk
Tough to work with a phone in your hand
Or if you hanging in Fortnight land
Lots at the border looking for work
Just that thought makes daChump berserk
If only he had a plan, any plan
Other than keep his orange tan
Don't have to remember what you said
When you tell the truth..
My take
Today On Earth!

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