Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Late First Frost/Freeze

I'm still checking, but this is the latest freeze date I can find in 24 years of (less than perfect) weather data. 29 here this morning, no frost seen, really dry with serious High pressure (dew point is 22 and 30.53 for pressure) and not much wind, High on top of us. Yep, latest freeze I see..
Iota's remains continue across the MesoAmerica isthmus, trashing and flooding all along the way. Another storm (would be Kappa) brews in the still warm Caribbean.
Stromboli is blowing ash and spewing lava in Italy (not an uncommon event), another low to average day of earthquakes- couple at low 5's but no issues.
Saturn, Jupiter and the thin waxing crescent were lovely last night; moon closer still tonight, will be an even lovelier grouping next two nights and no rain or likely even clouds here. Mars still shines brightly, way up in the southeast at sunset, waiting for its lunar visit next Wednesday. Cool shot of Mercury on, with a reddish tail of sodium vapor looking comet like..did not know Mercury had a tail!! All 5 visible planets are visible right now, 3 evening, 2 predawn.
Another 160,000 TrumpVirus cases in the US yesterday, yea, ho hum another 160K cases..another 1,583 dead Americans, ho hum...Lame duck, and I mean lame, poser in chief still in denial (a constant state for him, though) about getting stomped in election - he called it a landslide 4 years ago with same electoral count, when he also lost total vote. ICU's are filled all over the country as good vaccine news abounds -still months away - but dumbasses still won't do simple task, cover your fat, ugly face with a mask! Republicans gradually mentioning douche-in-chief lost election..yea, America's great..
Big brown dog naps nearby, refueling from morning romp but always ready to go, Today On Earth!!

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