Friday, December 14, 2018

Waiting For The Next Deluge

Still got lots of snow on the ground
Just waiting for the rain
To come a pourin' down
And, fill up the creeks and streams
Flooding is coming back it seems
A massive upper level Low
Cut off from the jet, moving slow
Closing in on a record rainfall year
After '17's serious drought with fire fear
But, what is normal? How'd we know?
More rain or heat or storms of snow
What we know is when CO2 is this high
That lots of heat is trapped by the sky
But, we just keep burning those fossil fuels
We're so clever, fire builders, makers of tools
Hey, I didn't do it, it wasn't me
To stop would hurt the economy
A wise man once said, and it's true
That when all fresh water is sour 
And, the sky is no longer blue
We can pile all that money in a tower
And, it will feed no one...

Not many quakes on Earth today
Couple of aftershocks down Knoxville way
With 5.1 in China, the biggest so far
In a clear sky, you might see a shooting star
Tonight is the peak of the Geminid shower
A reliable show after the midnight hour
Alas, rain will block any viewing here
But, check it out if your sky is clear
Or the near Quarter Moon just below Mars
Both outshining the bright winter stars
Time for me to get out ahead of the rain
And, let a wild dog get all muddy again
Happy Friday, a week 'til the Solstice
The real reason
For the season!
Take a walk on Earth today, you can't miss!!

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