Thursday, November 15, 2018

70" Of Rain

I'm closing in on 70" (yes, seventy) of rain for 2018, after barely reaching 31" in 2017; far and away the wettest year I can remember. 54" in 2011 is the most I can find in my weather journals - but there are gaps... lots of gaps. Working on filling them and not blogging but will get back... With 10 year average (06, 07, 09,11-17) of 44.71". And, it's still raining. The good news: this will end later tonight and leave us with a cool but dry weekend and into next week.
Today the word is runoff; there is no space in the ground for this rain to infiltrate so it's all runoff. The HersheyDog creek is rolling and roiling along. The paths/trails I just cleared the leaves off are water filled rills today - hopefully not moving to gully status. It's interesting that the water ripping through the creek is fairly clear, has all the small, stream clouding sediment been swept away this year, makes sense with 70" of rain. And, still California burns, although I think they have rain forecast this weekend... which will, of course, now lead to mud slides. A dry, mild climate makes for great living until you realize that your planet is heating up and that lovely dry climate is really an arid region that has fire as part of the normal way of the world. And, if you move into that dry forest and call someplace Paradise, as the Eagles said, you can kiss it good by. Sorry for their loss but be aware you are living in a town made of kindling. Without care, and lower numbers of humans, we can't have our cake and eat it, too. Earth rules will kick in at some point.
A much shakier 24 hour period for quakes and while the volcano list only has 15 mountains on it this week, those mountains are stirred up and blasting new rock and gasses onto the surface and into the atmosphere. Fuego and Krakatoa seem the most fired up; but Indonesia and Central America have others cranking on the list. Still no Kilauea!! And, fortunately no Yellowstone although there were some small quakes in the area.
I did catch a glimpse of the thickening crescent moon last night but the clouds blocked Mars, which was nearby. The moon was at a right angle with the Earth and Sun this morning: First Quarter and neap tides - the opposite pull of the sun and moon mellowing out the ocean, causing less tidal range. Minor relief for the eastern seaboard from ocean flooding, rain will be enough.
The large brown dog and I did a walk earlier and are still drying out. We'll go out again, because it's just rain and we'll both dry out. Be prepared if you make the move to venture out, Today On Earth.
I can't resist...

DonnyJonny the Chump is looking for someone to blame
For the republicans losses, oh what a shame!
Well, check out a mirror
And, you'll see a terror
As well as the reason, you're not very good at the game!

Rex said it the best
He is truly a moron
Slow, thin skinned, bully

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