Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Golf at Falcon Head

Another hot, dry south Texas day and after a call my day on Earth involves a quick dart to a nearby golf course to join up with some guys that know the course for 18 adventurous holes at Falcon Head golf links. A sprawling community of lovely homes with the course winding its way through the hill country; and hills are aplenty. I was assigned to be the eyes of the group and that proved a mistake on the first hole.  But, we got it sorted out, all balls were found, played and on we went, me trying to get the morning's caffeine down while keeping an eye out for balls launched into the big Texas sky.
And, a fine day it was, hot but only low 90's and with the sun almost overhead here at 30 degrees south (only 7ish degrees from the zenith -overhead- with the solstice closing in on us), low 90's is not too bad.  Lovely cumulus floated by today but reminders of when cumulonimbus had ruled the area were everywhere: debris in creeks, trees down - in a path, where a small twister had zipped through the course (photo 1) - and lush greenery when this part of Texas should be looking more brown. Years of drought and then a year or two worth of rain in a month, reminders of the constant change that is Earth.
I, like most of the planet's creatures, got in a nap today, after golf, and am now watching birds chowing down at the feeders Nancy has around her house, the deer herd has had their daily corn and I'm hoping for another glimpse of the aptly named Painted Bunting. I saw my first Scissor tail on the course today, a white headed and shouldered bird with a long split tail that didn't look like the fittest of flyers but flew away from me before I could get a good shot. Hope you got in a nap today! Sadly, we oh so clever but silly humans eat and then rush back to our busy world without a post snack nap. We could take a lesson from the "less clever" world around and nap more and work less. Just a thought… (And, yes, I try and get in a nap on a regular basis even when not on vacation - much needed after 9th graders all day.)
Didn't check the earthquakes or volcanoes today - I'm sure it's shaking and belching somewhere on the big chunk of rock. There were likely several thousand thunderstorms somewhere on the wild planet today - rumor has it there are about a thousand going on right now- but none here. Dusk is upon Texas and it's about time to go out and check on the closing of Jupiter and Venus. Get out and look off our world into the void of the cosmos, Today on Earth.
 Signature hole with "floating" green
 Not real rock, but still cool
Cactus flowers!

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