Thursday, June 4, 2015

From Rain and Clouds to Sun and Warm

I began Today On Earth with a cloudy, damp, cool morning in Hendersonville, NC., moved through rain into South Carolina to chase a white dimpled ball around the rolling countryside. The rain stopped as we started and more and more blue sky shown through the clouds until the late spring sun won out and the temperature rose into the low 80's. By the time golf was done and I had survived truck strewn I85 making it to Atlanta it was a lovely late spring day. Not too hot and fairly low humidity for early June in the capital of Georgia.
And, tonight the chill of the North Carolina mountains has been replaced with the warmth of the south; but, no serious heat yet. I think that's coming. No pictures today, it's late but I'm trying to get something on the blog, everyday of the adventure. Hope you had a lovely day, out and about, on the big planet.

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