Monday, October 24, 2022

November - On & Off Earth

Just a reminder..verizon sucks
NBC sucks maybe even worse
And, when did the Supreme Court become the Spanish Inquisition?
They take stupid to a whole new level

2 other things that work better with NO added
No Liberty U.
Bob No Good

November 2022 - On & Off Earth

If folklore and almanacs are to be believed, this Fall’s massive acorn crop portends a long, cold winter ahead. While science has learned much about the interconnected lives of the trees in a forest, all we really know with certainty is; 2022 has been a good year for oaks to produce acorns. Only in hindsight, next March, will we know if the trees knew something we didn’t about the coming winter.

November is a busy month; starting with, for some, the sugar hangover following Halloween. Americans go to the polls on the 8th (or vote early, like I did), possibly after rising very early that day to catch the Full Beaver moon eclipsed by Earth’s shadow. NASA has the launch of the Artemis rocket rescheduled for a trip to the moon on the 14th. The reliable Leonid meteor  shower peaks early morning on the 18th.

November also shocks our sense of time as we Fall Back from Daylight-Saving Time early on Sunday the 6th. We remember, celebrate and thank all those that have served our country on Veterans Day on the 11th. And finally, on the 24th, it’s an early Thanksgiving Day as we gather to give thanks with family and friends. A day to remember, even in seemingly tough times, we have so much to be thankful for.

Even with a little less sun time every day, most any day in November is a fine time to get out for a walk on our planet. Foliage colors are peaking, fewer bugs are flying and crawling, and while temperatures can range from balmy to chilly, layer wisely and get out and enjoy the splendor that is Fall in Virginia.

With more dark hours, clear skies allowing, this month provides lots to ogle in the space off Earth. Saturn, Jupiter and the red planet Mars span the arc of the ecliptic, west to east, all month. The moon visits each over the first two weeks of the month; on the 1st(& 28th), 4th and 10/11, respectively. Remember, planets don’t twinkle, only stars do.

As mentioned, you’ll need to set your alarm to catch the Total Lunar Eclipse early on election day. The moon enters Earth’s shadow at 4:09am, is in the shadow, totally eclipsed, from 5:16am to 6:42am…which happens to be sunrise. The whole show will be low in the southwest.

For astrology buffs, the sun moves into Libra on the 1st, and from our Earthly view, into Scorpio, for a week on the 23rd. Venus and Mercury remain hidden behind the sun but that changes in December.

The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) hit its mark and we now know, did change the orbit of that small space rock. The dust and debris from the collision even created a comet-like tail behind the asteroid. Well done NASA but let’s hope they don’t need to divert a space rock that’s actually headed at Earth anytime soon (there are none to worry about).

Looking out my windows, into what had been a very green world, I am reminded of why Fall is my favorite season. The color show that changes hourly, the leaves riding every wind gust, the  (mostly) bug free, pleasant temperatures and yes, even the slippery walking through the acorns. Get outside, it’s November!!

And, there was a lovely little garter snake out on this lovely day, gotta look close. He's well camo-ed!!

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