Friday, October 9, 2020

Delta - Get Out Now!

Gulf Coast, another storm asskickin'
TrumpVirus, 55,000 more people stricken
FBI stops white supremacist attack
Is there really any hope of going back
To a world where people can talk
Instead of nasty tweeting & facebalk
No prez actively trying to steal an election
Pussy ass bitch can't deal with rejection
Living in his head, in world full of lies
As 928 more families say their goodbyes
Florida alone, 164 one day death surge
270 w/ Texas, leader in current purge
Punk'n Head refuses a safe, civil debate
Doesn't care Gulf again on evacuate
2 years ago on this day
Michael was well on it's way
To cat. 4 & blowing Florida away
That was Michael, we're at Delta now
That's 12 more storms, whoa, holy cow
Global warming's new normal is here
Heat & fires, storms & flooding: fear
Worse still, democracies going away
And, dictators sure won't save the day
Just continue to steal, lie & kill
Gotta be Joe - 1 & Donny - nil
Cuz if USA doesn't lead, who'll it be
Not UK, Aussies or Germany
Ghina & Russia, we know their deal
All they can do is oppress & steal
Who'll deal with next viral waves
Or help dig next tsunami's graves
Think how Punk'n Head would react
If there was an alien attack
So few good ideas & no leader
Narcissist, liar, asshole, tweeter
Today On Earth

Here in VA, another fine fall day
By Sunday, Delta's rains headed our way
Caribbean plate, still lotta shakes
World; 1/2 dozen 5ish earthquakes
But, no waves or blasting volcanoes
My garden, still cucs & cherry tomatoes
Big brown dog out for a roam
But, treats are here, know he'll come home
Try & stay safe on this fine Friday
Soon more insanity coming our way
Moon at last quarter later today
Mars is still blazing away
Saturn & Jupiter still near Sag's teapot
Summer triangle points to that spot
Night sky makes for lovely viewing
Even as Earth continues climate skewing
New sunspot cycle beginning to grow
We do not need a CME to blow...
But, it's all coming, nothing but change
Moving & grooving, always a rearrange
Today On & Off Earth


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