Friday, February 22, 2019

Ecuadorian Quake, Canopus, Florida: 80 Degrees

Today Florida is looking at 80 degrees
Hot for February but, ok with a breeze
While to the north it's cold and rain
Not looking forward to that again
Farther south the planet is shaking
Magnitude 7.5, Ecuador is quaking
Quake was deep down in the ground
Still felt for hundreds of miles around
Most quakes today in eastern Pacific
In Indonesia's 7 eruptions seems quite terrific
Popo's blasting, Etna pumping out new land
Krakatau still at it, Agung almost out of hand
Planet Earth's quite active, average day
Yet in the right spot, get out and play
Touring Tampa with Rox and the Breyer
Shorts and sandals, Florida attire
Got to see the second brightest star
Canopus is visible down south this far
With the big dog Sirius sitting just above
Out for a walk with my big dog of love
We thought it a plane but it just sat still
A new star! for science geek, quite a thrill
Hope your Friday is so very fine
Perhaps a malted beverage or some wine
The national emergency seems far away
daChumps just TV watching, let's all go play
Enjoy, Today on Earth!

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