Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cold With A Mess Coming! No Quake Here?!

What ever I heard and felt, not a quake
So, I'm not sure what to make
Of the big boom and rumble
Sure gave me a sensory stumble
While none here, plenty of quakes
In the western Pacific, land of shakes
Here, we are locked in with cold
Clouds thicken, rain we're told
Or maybe sleet or snow
Early tomorrow we'll know
Winter is far from loosing its grip
Reminder will be freezing rain's slip
This week we stay in winter's grip
Don't think a golf ball I'll get to rip
But the sun's earlier rise and later set
Reminds us seasonal rules will be met
Longer the sun does shine
And, more direct feels fine
Likely no "it's too hot" whine
But, jonquil buds are a sign
Of constant change
And, if you can arrange
For a check of clear skies
Tonight, delight for your eyes
Lunar crescent hanging left of Mars
In Pisces, west of dazzling winter stars
Red, orange, yellow, blue and white
The variety of winter stars, a delight
Taurus battles Orion, trailing his hounds
Gemini's twins, Earth making the rounds
Hope you enjoy today's rotation
And, avoid any conflict in your nation
Enjoy you day and pass it along
Take a nap, listen to song
Today On Earth!!

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