Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day 2022 - We Better Care..& Soon

Earth Day 2022

Our planet, our home, our choices

We gather today to join and raise our voices

Thanks to those helping with road clean up today

So sad, so many, lower the window, throw it away

So sad, for so long we’ve treated Earth like that road

 For millennia, Earth’s been humanity’s personal commode

Now, here we sit in an awkward position

Living by science yet still ruled by superstition

Hunter/gatherers gone urban in a rapid transition

All sharing a planet now in a precarious condition

But, 50+ years ago saw change could happen soon

Cuz..On Apollo 8, coming home from the moon,

A photo was snapped, of Earth, all alone in space

That dazzled earthlings with our planet’s beauty and grace


52 years ago on that small planet named Earth

A bold, radical, new idea was given birth

That more we should care

Bout Earth’s soil, water & air

Having just.. just, realized what it’s all worth

Yet, now 52 years later, it’s still pretty clear

We’re pumping too much CO2 into the air

The 4 billion then is now up to 8

And, for any real changes…we all still wait

Ice keeps melting as temperatures rise higher

Takes a monster storm to end a monster fire

Our plastic pollution is a new ocean feature

Found on every beach, in every sea creature

And, is it wise to cut all of Earth’s trees

Except bananas, palm oil and loblollies

We’re growing GMO food in poisoned soil

And we’re stuck, trapped, still burning oil

Yet, talk and talk and talk is all we do

Do politicians really not have a clue

They seem OK with an economy

Where growth forever we will see

But, that’s the same plan cancer uses

And, with that plan, everyone loses

For the needed changes, are we too late?

I think not, but, for action, little time to wait

But, ya know, every day Earth provides

All we need, If we take a few, simple strides

The sun shines every day, daily winds blow

We all know that’s the way the future will go

More rooftop solar, today, is what we need

Cuz, cutting trees for big solar, that’s just greed

Remember, big oil & energy’s only real goal

That for power, forever, we all pay their toll

Yet, every storm, down goes another line

But, make, store power at home, you’d be fine

We know how, why do we continue to wait

To make America and our world, truly great

Yet, it seems so hard, so much pollution

And, there is no easy, one step solution

You know we humans, can be pretty smart

Be both wise and clever and have a big heart

We need to elect folks that admit and see

Earth’s rapidly changing new reality

Plan smaller families that buy and use less

More and more growth will not fix our mess

Once, shopping, buying local was all that we had

Now, that’s really hard to do, that’s pretty sad

Yet, changes keep coming, some fast, some slow

More local food we’re beginning to grow

But, how to slow a world built on shopping

Without a crash from a sudden stopping

Too many, daily, sit, shop, order and wait

For more plastic in another cardboard crate

If it wasn’t so sad & true, it might be funny

If soon we discover, ya can't eat oil or money

Will we agree too late, a world built on war

Is an economic model that only takes us so far

Cuz planet Earth doesn’t care, nor need to be saved

As a planet, unaware if desert, forest, or paved

About bacteria, dinosaurs, humans, Earth cares not

Nor if it’s frozen solid, flooded or cooking hot

It’s we humans that better care

I we want to keep living here

If today’s babies grandkids can hunt & fish

Or if for them, surface living is just a wish

And, though optimistic I try to be

I keep crashing into our new reality

What will Earth Day be like, 48 years hence

6 billion humans in peace & quiet reverence

Or 10 billion on a hot world of war & strife

With little value on any one human life

Our proactive choices, even made today

Will not quickly make humanity’s issues go away

But, if we continue to stall, bicker and deny

I fear, millions..or billions will die

So, today, let’s hear and share, new ideas and voices

Our world, our home, our choices

Today On Earth

Dog's enjoying the planet

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