Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Sunny & Warm..Whoa!!!

After yesterday's cold, icy rain, a major change; the sun is back and it's getting warm. We have seen no warm in VA since Jan. 2nd. There is a breeze in the aftermath of the front's passage but we should be well into the 50's today, maybe even 60. Tomorrow should be even warmer as the High pressure dome, south of us, continues its eastward slide. Still the snow/ice persists, refrozen into glacier like form; it does face a challenge today!! Longish forecast has no snow or ice in the near future, the steepening sun angle reducing the chances of that daily.
A 5.8 quake in Indonesia and 5.1 quakes bookending New Zealand are about it today. A 5+ off Mexico was just over 24 hours ago, gone now from the daily listing. Usual stuff in western US, PR and Alaska, no issues with any.
There are a couple of small sunspots, the new cycle slow but underway nonetheless, has our star streaming a good dose of solar wind Earth's way firing up nightly, almost constant auroras in the northlands. Tonight's warm air and a bright gibbous moon will make for fine twilight walking this evening, I plan on being out!!
TrumpVirus numbers continue the downward trends in both cases and deaths but we hit half a million dead yesterday. That's 500,000 people dead, all on you donny and your idiot followers. "It's a hoax, can't tell me to wear no mask, my guns will protect me, I ain't getting no vaccine, maybe the space lasers will kill it!!" Once ya get conned, it's hard to admit ya got conned, cuz then you'd have to admit you were an idiot for buying what donny was selling..racist hatred. Woooo, let's make 'merica white again, hook up with your cousin, keep it in the family, just like Rudy!! At least donny gets his whores..I mean, wives over seas.
Poor donny, "his" supreme court said release your tax returns yesterday. New York looking to do to donny what they did to that other crook/killer, Al Capone, Lock Him Up!! His jump suit will match his face..although maybe he'll have trouble getting his makeup in jail..then just his natural, death gray, skin tone. He'll match the 1/2 million he's killed.
Vaccine rollouts continue to lag from recent weather events but Joe has them mostly back on pace. Texas, and their oil based, greed based economy still can't supply water to its residents, lying politicians there still slinging the blame and denial, their voice, the fox, blaming a green new deal that doesn't even exist; keep the lies flowing and the blame going, drifting paddle and plan free, down your septic river, Da Nile!
Parts of southside VA are still without power after the ice storm almost two weeks ago. Few houses, connected with above ground lines through pine forests being, reality now proving, a not so good way to get power distributed. The stupidity of cutting down those trees, replanting with solar panels, building centralized battery storage escaping local leaders and power companies. The focus remains keeping control of the power grid not actually providing electric power, as every home should be doing for itself.
Soooo, stay away from Texas(and Dinwiddie & Nottoway Co's. Va), stay away from everyone, wear a mask but get out and enjoy, Today On Earth.

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